Piccies for Consumption…

Not sure how these pictures will size because 1.) I’m being lazy. 2.) I’m skipping photobucket today & just using ODs upload thing 3.) They were taken on cell phones & not cameras *shrugs* 

Here is Sonja in the dress she found. It’s a really dark blue..& it fits her beautifully…Too good. *hides her* *laughs*

Here is Sonja, supporting Canada…& quoting Pillsy as to why "Because there drugs are cheaper than ours are" *headdesk* Neurotically Yours messes with the minds of beings…O.o

& this is Harley @ Kid’s Day @ the Polish Fest…Handing onto some kind of snake, though I haven’t a clue as to what kind. It was cute tho. *smiles* 

Here is Harley in the elevator, I think on his way to one of the days of College for Kids. Wearing his new hoodie (which has ear buds in the ends of the strings…Sonja got one too in a different color) & his practically matching fedora.


This is picking Sonja up from camp…She was doing her best to endure me…Not sure she really missed me much. *laughs* 
She says next year she has to take more costumes with her (she took quite a bit of costumey stuff with her this year)…They girls in her cabin were calling her one suit case her ‘Nerd Closet’…& apparently the one girl seen the Akastsuki robes & had a total fan girl moment…grabbing them and running around the cabin squeeling that Sonja had to let her wear them. *laughs* 

On the topic of costumes…Despite that it looks like con is a no go this year (as there is already alternative plans set in motion for that week-end even), I’m still working on costumes. [After all, Halloween is on it’s way as well.]  && I aside from buttons (& a chibi Ragnarok) I have Crona’s costume done! The collar gave me no end of troubles, and I was near nervous brakedown state, but I pulled through. I might tighten up the spats some, otherwise they are going to twist around my ankles instead of staying properly in place.
& as proof Sonja loves me (& that she just might be a nerd after all O.o) She took a picture of Crona & went through the colors and brought up two squares and declared that NO Crona’s hair is NOT pink (tho most anyone you ask will say it is), it is in all actuality a light lavender.  Yay purple! [She’s saving me from pink hair…Which as my hair is actually in transition stage currently, part of it is actually pink right now. o.O No, there will not be no pictures of that frightening sight. *laughs* Bad enough Wasil seen it last night as it is. It shall be back to a proper purple shade soon.]

& one more picture for the road…
This is the wallpaper/background on my cell phone currently. When Sonja got home from camp she decided that the kittens needed baths…All three of them got one (whether they wanted them or not) & I snapped a picture of poor Wampa in mid-bath.


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August 19, 2011

oh man the critters got big! when did that happen 0.o can’t say they are cute anymore! Well they are 😛 love harley’s fedora and sonja’s dress. so cute! So is the puddy-tat 🙂

The critters are so damn adorable!!!! I wanna squeeze Harley till he can’t breath! Though, that’s probably not a good idea… *giggles* Yay piccies!

August 19, 2011

Love the Canada shirt, and the fedora. The Critters look older (which, I suppose, they are)

Harley’s holding a corn snake. 😀 LOVE the color of your hair in the photo of you and Sonja! Light of heart,

Derrick & I looked at the piccies earlier. The Critters are getting so big! We misses them. *huggles them* & that poor, poor kitty. *laughs*

August 20, 2011

CORN SNAKE!!!!! and omg they are so big, i can remember when they were so much smaller. they grow so fast. harley looks just like you in the face in that hoodie picture! oh i love the pics, thank you for sharing. MUAH

August 24, 2011

the pics are so very lovely indeed and the dress suits her so very very well *smiles* and canada just rocks *nods* shush just because we are patently biased does not make us wrong. nope. not in the slightest.

Yay for Wampa !! (what a photo)