One week…

…I think I might have butterflies in my belly…I feel nauseous anyway. Also have a headache, which I’m inclined to believe is caffeine withdrawl. Didn’t have my proper coffee yesterday, did have some, but it wasn’t quite what I’m use to. Bleck…So I need to decide whether to work through it, and hope it’s done by next week, or return to the evils of caffeine, then have to worry about not having a proper source while I’m gone. O.o  It is kind of too hot to be drinking coffee in the mornings anyway…& I don’t think it really does anything to wake me up…Ug…I don’t know. *falls over* 

*sigh* Critters are gone for the day…Sonja was near tears, saying she didn’t feel good, she did have a 99 degree fever, which I gave her some Tylenol for. She just didn’t want to go so badly. *sigh* Even with knowing they were going to a parade, and there would be fresh air…*sigh* 

Spent Saturday feeling tortured. I didn’t feel good…Had all kinds of pain…& had to be somewhere I didn’t want to be, with someone I didn’t want to be around. Blah.
Mum went camping this week-end with an idiot…She wanted me to bring the Critters out so they could play at the beach and what not…Went out on a patoon boat. Harley & Sonja both got the drive it…They had fun, so I suppose that’s all that really matters.

Reese told me to call her if I didn’t have Critters today…But I seriously don’t want to hang out with her either…Like I said, don’t feel good, stomach doing flip-flops…& my head is killing me. Plus, I should attempt to get a little bit of the rest of the house straightened up…

Maybe I will take a nap…I haven’t been up that long, but still…I don’t know. *sigh* 

Though can’t let all the blah out weight the happy…

One week…Seven days…Wasil will be here…After something like 6 months of computer communications, he’ll actually be right before me, flesh and blood…I’m excited & nervous, and a whole host of other thoughts & emotions  & yeah…Working on being a mess.

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May 31, 2010

*hugs you lots and lots* i am sure it will be grand when he is there. as for the caffeine, it makes me sleepy so i can’t help you with that. i am awaiting the arrival of my rv into town. i feel kinda sick with the fact that i am buying it, ins was less than i expected though. *hugs you more* it will be find, we will get through this. MUAH

glad the kiddies had fun 🙂 && The fresh air would be good for her. *noods*

May 31, 2010

Summer is a good time to break caffeine addictions. You can do it!!