NoJoMo #9 : A whole lot of stuff…

Let’s see…Today’s entry [Nov. 9th 2007]…In which I will discuss yesterday [Nov. 8th 2007]. *laughs*

Anyway…Had Parent Teacher Conferences today…Actually they were better than I was expecting.

Harley is doing really good academically…And his behaviour, though iffy on occasion, is improving. [Still think if they’d just stick him in class with young blonde female teacher, he’d be all set and happy…As he had a substitute that fit that description, and no one heard a sound from him. *shakes head* *laughs*]
He’s at the reading level he’s suppose to be at. Miss Stevens says she can tell he really loves to read…And in all honesty, he’s surprised me with as many words as he knows. On that note, he knows more of the site words than what they are expected to know at this point.
She also says he’s a really touchy kind of boy…As is evident as he likes to hug just about everyone! *laughs* He even hugs some of the other students parents!

Sonja…She’s doing good too…Mostly A’s & B’s…Her non-good grade, a D (in Social Studies)…And that is because she didn’t hand in anything for her Michigan History, so she got an E for that section. The other three sections of that group is A’s & B’s.
Sonja’s teacher commented on not only how smart she knows Sonja is, but on how smart Harley is as well, as she has had some run ins with him this year.

Harley has a fever…Though I just checked and it might be Harley had a fever soon…He’s feeling cooler than what he was…I had to run into town to get him some medicine, as Dan managed to lose the bottle I sent with them to his house last week-end.

Speaking of Dan. *glares & growls* Mum took a vacation day today, as the Critters had a half a day of school, and where Harley can’t ride the bus for the rest of the week, she needed to pick them up. Well apparently Dan was there with Ann, to pick up her kids. He seen my Mum and asked about me being at school, then said something about me not doing the parent-teacher conference…Where she informed him that I had it reschedule, so that I was doing it.

*has a list of names* Tianna (& Derek) gave us a list of the names of the kids that pick on Harley on the bus…I’m taking it in tomorrow to give to the Principle / Superintendent. So hopefully he can have a talk with them and they’ll leave him alone. Thing is, they might not get off that easy…Mum plans on giving the list to her brother as well, who will pass it on to his grandkids…Harley’s cousins…Who, I’m sure, will be more than happy to let those on the list know that they shouldn’t continue with such behaviour.

Other than that…I hate punnent squares. *kicks Biology* Though I’ve got that done, as well as I can. All I have to do is look up the answers to all the review questions…And study…And hope it sinks in.

Math I don’t know what I’m going to do with it…Need to study it too, somehow. Guess do the problems over and over again. *sets them on fire instead* Hehehe.

Psych…Not much to do, aside from wait to get the quiz questions Monday.

English…Formal Project #3. "Thinking Radically"

Explanation: For this project, choose a topic worthy of argument. For the topic to be worthy, it must have he potential of being seen from multiple viewpoints about which reasonable people may disagree. It ought to have also both personal and public resonance.
Once you have a topic, consider as many diffrent ways as possible that people think about the major issues or ideas or connections related to it.

We get to write a 2 1/2-3 page ‘document’. Doesn’t have to be an essay this time. [Our next project is an Arguementive Essay…Which can be the same topic.] It can be a poem, an essay, a play even…Anything…Thinking radically here. *laughs*

We split into groups today, to discuss diffrent topics, and the professor sat with our group first, getting us talking. After going through most of the rest of them, again asked me what was on my mind…Then he asked if it was cartoons again…To which I said yes, and made the statement that Otherworldly boys are better than Earth boys (not quite the same language mind you), aloud, in a rather strong voice actually. *laughs*
A bit later, Heather suggested a thought to go along the lines of it. Kind of like how our own perceptions in the creation of (these are her wordings) fictional men in our life have effect us when it comes to finding someone of our own choosing in this world…And does our ‘creation’ of our ideal make it harder to find someone that lives up to our standards of that image in the ‘real world’.

Anyway…Here are the ‘topics’ I’ve got written in my Learning Journal. *is willing to take into consideration any more anyone is willing to offer*

1) Do violent cartoons cause violence?
2) Cartons are thought to be just for fun…Can they teach lessons too?
3) Are cartoons just for kids?
4) Is Harry Potter just of kids?
5) Is fanfiction a valid form of ‘self-expression’.
6) Does YouTube take money away from the artists?
7) Does a person need to be part of a couple to be complete? Can an individual be fully realized without a ‘mate’.

Should add…8) Otherworldly boys are better than Earth-boys.

*had another thought…lost it*

Anyway…Currently Mum has the neighbor dog in her room for the night. He came down here this morning…He’s pretty sad looking…I keep calling him Skele-dog. But yeah, he’s way too skinny.
Anyone willing to give a good home to a miniature pincher?

Has a brief conversation with Mum about Bill tonight…About him asking what I look for in a mate, and me telling him I hadn’t given it much thought. And that I think he misunderstood my line of saying I hadn’t given it any thought of late. She’s also noticed my waning interest.

Have my schedule tentatively figured out…All I have to do is register now…Which I’ll be doing online Monday. It should look something like this:

Monday & Wednesday
10:15-12:15 ENG 112 English Composition.
1:00-3:00 ART 151 Pottery I

Tuesday & Thursday
1:00-2:30 PHL 201 Ethics
3:10-5:10 ART 121 Drawing I
6:35-7:30 Aikido

Which takes care of my Humanities need.


Aside from all of that….As this will be posted on Friday, November 9th.


The Little Critter turns 6 today.

Thinks that’s about it for the moment.

*skips off*

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November 8, 2007

Happy Birthday to Harley. and whats Aikio? -me

Since I already knew about the conference, Dan’s idiocy, & hmm…I know that, that, and that as well. *giggles* The English project sounds fun thus far! *nods* Hopefully, it doesn’t wane in interest for you and plays nicely, so you can do what you want with it. All of those topics have much of the good potential. *nods* *pokes Heather* Her thoughts are sound, as I knowI’ve made it difficult for myself to find someone in terms of my man from the Otherworld (not fictional!!! *lol*). But. I don’t care. Which will lead into the other topic you’ve listed: “Does a person need to be part of a couple to be complete?” I am completely happy with my life, my friends, my career goals, the direction my life is headed, and thus I don’t need or want a mate. I do have Junior, and he is really all I need/want right now. Admittedly, I do sometimes think about the physical aspects of a relationship, but those things are kind of superficial in comparison to true love. ‘Tis the hormones talking, I suppose. There are also times I want to be held, loved, and touched by a lover, but they are also fleeting in comparison to everything/everyone else…

…in my life, including the bestest sissy in all the world! *hugs tightly* I don’t want children, and so that’s not a reason I’d need to find a mate either. There are many career women in the world now who don’t have the time or the want for a mate, and in today’s society women no longer need a man to support her. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my nephew!! *birthday HUGS* What does your Mum think about the waning interest in the boy? *HUGS*

November 8, 2007

ok i have to tell you… i love punnet squares, genetics were my fave in college. *hugs you* happy birthday harley!!

November 8, 2007

re:o0o sounds like a good exersise.

November 8, 2007

happy birthday Harley! You huggy intelligent but ill ickle boy who lives so far away but I luffles anyways 🙂 Punnet Squares!!!!!!! I did those the other week! Too my teacher two sit downs to actually manage to explain the whole situation to me… *frowns* am not stupid, just ignorant *kicks Dan*

Happy Birthday to the critter!! oO You got your schedule figured out! lol

Happy Birthday Harley!!!

November 9, 2007

super happy birthdays for harley i will send him imaginary truffles and hopefully something really nice if i can muster up the thought pwower lol *prods work* you could write a thesis on the effects of youtube on the world so many things… hummmmmm xxx

November 9, 2007

those square thingys gave me a headache .. if i was closer i would take him.