NoJoMo 5

OMGs…*rolls eyes* *headdesk* 
Struggled to get my abstract done…Then he didn’t even look at them! I need to re-write mine a bit before submitting it to the…Whatever it is I’m submitting it to.
We have to submit to somewhere on main campus, so they can put it in a program for the presention in December.
Yeah…A month and a day from now I have to be down at Grand Valley’s campus in Allendale. O.o & somewhere along the lines present my paper to people I’ve never met. Fun. Not.

I’m 8287 words behind on NaNoWriMo! *laughs* 
I wrote a whoel 48 words today…Just kind of playing with a thought.
Then it got stuck, & I had to go to school, & all that fun stuff.
Realistically…Not going to happen.

Somewhere along the lines last night, Sonja & Harley ended up watching Pokemon on Youtube…Now Harley has started a Pokemon obession. O.o
He started the day declaring he was a Pokemon trainer & went off to catch his first Pokemon. Then came running back into the house saying he as being chased by some kind of Pokemon. I’m dooooooooomed. [Going to try and make a Poke’ ball on his cake Saturday.]

Should be doing homework. Have to have a lesson plan done by Thursday.

Brain isn’t wanting to do a lot of thinking right now…So yeah, going to wander off for the moment.


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