NoJoMo 28
It’s a constant continuation…Okay…Urgent Care doctor said no UTI and that it was most likely a side effect from the Wellbutrin, and gave me instructions that read: Call Prescribing Physician to discuss possible discontinuation of Wellbutrin.
So…I call the Prescribing Physician’s office, told them what I was told last night, and, of course, the doctor herself wasn’t in. But…The nurse talked to another of the doctors in the office, and he said that it was a low enough dosage and he hadn’t been on it long enough, that it would be fine to stop it. Okay…Should be simple, right? Hell no! *rolls eyes*
I call the school…They say they need a paper that says so…I call the doctor’s office back, but don’t have a fax number for the school. I give them the school’s phone number so they can talk to them.
& I do the responsible thing, which is tell the bloody Idiot what is going on. And he, of course, doesn’t see it as me doing what the doctor told me to do (I shouldn’t be surprised), he sees it as me doing whatever to get Harley off the med. & that isn’t what it is…So we went around and around about that texting this morning…I honestly don’t know where things stand.
The superintendent called me in to the office after I got done with my am tutoring, as he is now feeling pulled into the middle of this, and doesn’t want to be there…Which I told him I fully understand. Then I told him that it wasn’t about the not knowing, it was about me trying to do what the Urgent Care doctor told me to do. He made a copy of the paper I got from the UC doctor last night, as I took it with me…I may just carry it with me everywhere for the next bloody week!
Harley was in tears last night…Near tears this morning…All because he doesn’t want to go to his father’s house.
Oh yeah…Did find out that the prescription wasn’t prescribed for bipolar, as the Idiot insinuated, it’s for Anxiety & Depression…Which yeah…Gee…Why would Harley be anxious and depressed…Wouldn’t have anything to do with being stressed out about having to deal with his father and sad about having to go there bi-weekly Wed.-Sun. *headdesk* Gods! So bloody aggravating!
*a brief break was inserted here*
If, by break, I mean returning to the school to tutor some more. Which, yeah…That’s pretty much what that meant.
AM tutoring was N, and vocabulary sentences for the most part. He got through all but one word, with a lot of help on my part to try and make the definition of the word be reflected in the sentence. & he finished up the math page that he was almost done with yesterday when school got done.
PM tutoring was S & G again…Division. There was probably 30 or 40 problems…Quite a few anyway. They both had done the page prior, but…yeah…S had quite a few right…G had 2 right. *headdesk* And we aren’t talking hard problems. Two digit numbers being divided by single digit numbers. BUT…If you don’t know your multiplication tables, makes division that much more difficult. I think S gets the connection fairly well, that division is reverse multiplication, but I think G is still having trouble with it. But I think part of it too is she’s to that point it’s hard to care, so it’s hard to actually want to do the work.
Anyway…I do believe they were both getting it a bit better by the time we were done. I think I got the multiplying by 9 trick swirling in their brains, and that it can be useful in division if you know what to look for. I also, while working with G, made mention that if a number ends is 0 or 5, then 5 is going to be able to go into it, and it’s a good idea to keep that in mind to see if it will help with their problem. Which, I think it did, when the problem was 40 divided by 8, it didn’t take her very long to get 5 as the answer. So maybe, just maybe, something is sticking.
I also got them to think about problems they had already done successfully, and if there were any similarities between them. Could they use the information they had already gotten to help them with what they were working on.
I realized earlier, I only have 3 more weeks of class. O.o Ug.
I’m glad that it’s coming to an end, and I get something that resembles a bit of a break (although I’m not sure how long it is, not long enough, I’m sure)…But I’m not ready as far as having stuff done! OMGs.
Tomorrow we have to have: A short essay answer to the ‘quiz’ she handed out the last time we had class (got that done last night). The essay I mentioned in my last entry about collaboration (which I’ve got notes on, but having trouble forming sentences). I have to give a book talk (which I’m still not sure what book I’m doing). & Present a learning strategy (which I finally got a story picked out, as I’m doing character clusters/character maps…But I don’t have enough ink to print out copies for everyone…I couldn’t even print out the graphic organizer I designed to see if it was going to work! So yeah…Not sure how things are going to work on that front either).
Head is starting to ache…Peppermint tea may be in the future.
Trying to find a good Stocking cookie cutter…My good one must have broke. It’s missing anyway, and I know my plastic ones started to brake, so it was probably among them. I’ve got a littler, plainer one, and it will work if that is what it comes down to. I’m going to make ornaments for Mrs. Gooding’s class, in addition to both of the Critter’s classes.
I figure they’ve had to deal with me…Maybe not to a great extent for most of them, but a couple of them have had to suffer through my tutoring. [Although, I think they might enjoy it…At least to some extent. Heck, if nothing else it’s (for the most part) one on one contact with someone whose paying attention to them. What kid doesn’t like that?]
Did I mention Reese’s early Christmas? I don’t think I have.
She went and did her shopping last week-end, amongst all the insanity. While there she got the household’s gifts, so, deciding that they (her and Spoon) have 7 Christmases they have to manage this year, decided to start early, and start here. So they were here Monday night with presents.
Harley got a huge MegaBloks Halo battlescape set. It’s a piece of terrain, and had some little guys and a ship of some sorts (& it will go right along side his Legos). & another ship thing with a guy in it that goes to the Halo stuff. So yeah…He’s all kind of happy over that.
Sonja got art supplies. Which is always a good thing. She got a kit that was over $70 worth of stuff in it (according to the box). [It was only $20.] & an eraser making kit, and a mini table easel. Last night Sonja used the oil pastels from the kit on, what I think is the cover, of the one sketch bo
ok thing that came in the kit, and drew Creeper. Not cute adorable chibi Creeper, of whom I am use to and find utterly adorable…But full out ‘normal’ Creeper, who is, and rightfully so, a little bit on the creepy side. Though, still a wonderful piece of artwork. Really stunning as it’s done on a black background, and he’s got some very vibrant colors going. I need to get a picture of it. *nods* [I know, I need to get a picture of a lot of things.]
I’m tired of…Crap, I got a bit sidetracked and totally forgot what I was writing that I’m tired of. *headdesk* I so need a break…From everything…A loverly vacation where I don’t have to think about anything would be wonderful.
*looks @ clock* Okay…It’s only (almost) 6:00…I may be able to sneak in a slight rest…Then work on the essay of stupidity…Then think about how to format my tutoring lessons. Cuz yeah, need to do that somewhere along the lines too (within the next couple weeks!).
So, um, yeah…That is my NoJoMo update for today.
oh christmas early …. they must have a lot of people to see. Wow what a mess with the med thing. Sounds like you are doing in with the class.
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🙁 Poor Critter. :/ Yay for early christmas and school almost being done with for this semester!! 🙂 <3
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