NoJoMo 2

I am all kinds of spaztastic today! *laughs*

I did finally get a name for my main character, and 1666 words for day one of NaNoWriMo. I’d like more, as I’m afraid I’m going to loose some time this weekend, depending on how things go. I’m hoping to get an earlier start at the writing tonight, that 1666 was about 4 hours work of work. The little quality voice has been pestering me, and I keep reminding it, that is not the point of this, and to go away. *laughs*

I did my third day of observations today. All three days have been slightly different, today was a lot different. They had tests today. It’s good to see how things go from day to day.
Critters don’t have school Monday, so I’ll be going in Tuesday again…Harley has an appointment at 11, so I’ll have to leave before Language Arts is done, although I will be there for an hour, and I’ll most likely be coming back at 2:15 to start tutoring.
I gave Mrs. Gooding a tentative schedule for my November. Told her I was willing to come in whenever they could get me in that I was free. I’ve been spending half the day there during days I observe anyway.

Stayed for the Critter’s lunches again today…Sonja’s bunch was all riled up today! *laughs* I’m sure the candy didn’t help! [Harley brought down some leftover goodie bags from Halloween while we were in the cafeteria…There was 9 or 10 of them, they did not last long!

Idiot text at noon-ish and asked if I could get the Critters after school, as he got called into work. Sonja & Harley had both told me before that that he had told them there was a chance he might.
It was good…Harley got to eat a real lunch today too, since I was there. They still have him on that stupid gluten free, dairy free diet. *shakes head* It’s insane! Yesterday’s lunch for Harley consisted of; 2 slices of baloney, maybe a dozen grapes, an apple, and 2 rice cakes. He didn’t eat the apple, or the rice cakes…He did go up and get a good sized bowl of peas from Chef Bob.
Today he had a real lunch.

I maybe breaking my ‘I don’t drive further South than Cadillac’ thing. *shudders*
Wasil had surgery Monday for his back…He’s recovering at his parent’s house in St. Louis, Michigan. If things work out, I’ll be driving down to see him.

First the radio and cigarette lighter in the ‘new’ Blazer are getting fixed Saturday morning. So…It depends on how long that takes…& probably on whether the Critters are still here by then too.

Okay…I have an hour and a half  before I have to head back to the school to pick up the Critters.
@ least 1666 words to write for tonight (hopefully more, in case weekend gets all complicated & without time to write)
But…I got NoJoMo day 2 taken care of…So that’s all good…& I’m in an awesome mood. So yeah…Feeling pretty spiffy currently. *laughs* 





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You might be a bit nuts doing NoJoWriMo and NoJomo but yay!! 🙂 And oO if I ever actually make it TO Michigan I need to come visit you. Have to see what will be going on though. There was a possible move considered next year, but I think he’s just going to aim to leave. haha And there was something else I was going to say and I forgot.. HI! 😀 haha *wanders off to finish her entry*

November 2, 2012