NoJoMo 19:
*pokes @ day*
I still need to do art for today. I’ll get there.
Went to class, it was boring.
Have to do some rework on what I have for my paper, in addition to finishing it.
Would so rather spend the time writing for roleplay.
Have a couple thoughts to work on…For writing & art…Just have to get to the doing.
Convo with Harlequin:
Me: So you tried to drug him?
Hel: Yes.
Me: And he ended up drugging you?
Hel: Yes.
Me: And you still ended up, more or less, in the situation you wanted to be in?
Hel: Yes.
Me: *headdesk*
Hmmm…Have to write a lesson plan for Thursday.
Have to talk to Kinder-teacher Thursday.
Would like to have hair fixed before then.
*looks around* This counts!
*runs off*