NoJoMo 19
AM Tutoring with N.
Before class had started, he had come up to me, all happy, saying he’d finished his work, so he could actually take part in the free time between Math and English. He was so happy, smiling, and I could sense a bit of pride. Unfortunately that wasn’t entirely the case, and he did have some work that needed fixing (& I think some in the missing category).
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After he got done in his group for guided reading, I took him out to the library to work on some of the papers that were in the folder. They were on rounding, one page on rounding to the tens place, the other on rounding to the hundreds place.
Started with the tens…It was a bit wobbly, but we made it through it.
The hundreds sheet, most of them were wrong, so I erased nearly all of them, and had him start over. About half way down the page, after a particularly evil problem that even I had to set aside for later, he did the one, without even really giving it much thought. Then he realized he did it on his own…Then he sped through about six of them without any help. There was another trick one (which I think was just rude of them to toss in there, but Mrs. Gooding said they have them on the MEAP too…Yeah…I had to go ask her about them, because I was clueless. She said she had to look up what they were up to even with it when they did them initially)…Anyway, the trick one threw him off again, but he recovered rather quickly, and we got the page done! *smiles*
It was just great to see him get it, to know it clicked, and at least for that moment, he knew what he had to do, and was doing it, and knew he knew. I’m sure he needed it. Beyond that, I needed this.
I think I needed this whole tutoring experience. Not only for the sake of having the experience in general, but because I needed a reminder. 3 ½ straight semesters of college…Over a year without a good long break…Is getting to me. I’m burnt out…I know it. The fact that I know I have homework due next week, I know it needs done, and half of it is just typing up observations and adding my thoughts…But I can’t make myself care enough to actually do something about doing it.
Hopefully, if I remind myself that if I do want to help small critters, then I need to pass this class, and to pass this class, I have to do this work, no matter how tedious it seems.
& now…Gonna take a break and I shall return with PM tutoring…Which I’m excited about getting to work with S again.
PM tutoring with S.
She did really good working through about 1 ½ lessons in the books I have to work with her out of.
I printed out alphabet cards the other day, and took them in today. I think she liked having them to work with. We even used them for small activities outside of what the book had them for.
I used them to show her a bit of rhyming, as the idea of rhyming words seem to help her a bit when she’s having trouble. Also used them to help spell out words she was having some trouble with, so she could separate the letters/sounds, and look at them individually.
Allergies have attacked, and have nearly knocked me out. Blah. I hate it when I have these sneezing fits. *kicks them*
I’m working on a stuffed moose…I need the proper color felt for its antlers…I have some, but it’s just tiny bits, not enough to even make one antler, let alone two for the poor moose. It looks quite odd currently, no antlers no ears…That shall be fixed soons, hopefully.
I was reading the sticker that has the UPC code, and found out that the felt is made out of recycled plastic bottles. Yay recycling!
I think this is it for the night…Too tired to think…
RYN: Yay for seeing Wasil at the holidays! I has to wait until after.. eh.. but at least it will happen! 🙂 haha And that might be a good idea.. something spiritual.. but where to start.. gah. I haven’t done any spiritual work in so flipping long.. so it might quite as well be it. Maybe just some mediating would be good. *ponders*
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er meditating.. *shrugs* haha
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i am so glad you are enjoying the tutoring and that the child was getting the math, even if it had a few burps along the way. so much love to all of your house me dear. MUAH
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Hurray for exciting teaching moments when things click for kids. Boo to standardized tests.
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That’s awesome the children are making progress. 🙂 And I agree, I think the tutoring experience will help remind you why you’re doing what you are in school, even though it can be quite tedious most of the time. *shoos away allergies* *HUGS*
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RYN: January just needs to get here then. 🙂 I’m completely fine with that. haha And heh.. Raya left me a note about us all being of the specials as well. 🙂 I think it’s true, and that’s what I believe too that if anything does happen it’s going to be a ‘end of the world as we know it’ type thing. Enlightenment is always good. 🙂 But yes, I’m thinking.. reconnecting is neccessary right now. I need to make a list and remember to grab my altar items when I’m in town next time, as I left them… :/
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RYN: So glad it all arrived safe and sound! The lil Hitchhiker is a Fox, but his energy seems to waver between fox and coyote, so I knew he was meant for you. 🙂 Light of heart,
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