No, you don’t get a title…

Stupid ice & flat tireness…

Well, no one really wanted to go to school today anyway…
I was still going to do it tho. Got the Critters up, among protests that they would rather be asleep…Got us out to Appa, started to back out of the driveway, slid sideways, tried to pull forward, tried to back up…Neither was going to happen.
Finally decided to give up and go inside, only to discover that the passenger side rear tire (which I’ve been fighting to keep up) was flatter than a pancake (but only on the bottom…Looks, I still have a sense of humour).

Managed to get the homework that was suppose to be turned in today finished…More or less. It was suppose to be 2 questions, at least that is what she said in class, the handout did say one was an option…But thanks to my loverly friends on Facebook I got some wonderful input last night…I figured I would have to scribble out the ‘answer’ today before class…But since I couldn’t make it out of the driveway, I could type it up all pretty (which it ended up being a page long, double-spaced).

NOW…I need to get something figured out for my Research Proposal for Linguistics, which is due Thursday…[Which means only having Wed. before going to school & tonight, to get it figured out and written up. O.o]

Made a third post to Mythology…Tho not overly impressive. *shrugs*
Read what needs to be read so I can post again by noon Thursday…Which really means before I leave for school tomorrow…Or before I go to bed, at the latest…As I’ll be in class Thursday at noon.

Missed a French quiz today…I think we will be having our chapter exam Thursday…So I need to do some kind of studying for that between now and then…Need to think about that presentation as well…It’s due the first half of April…

I am so tired…I feel like I could use a nap….*curls up into a ball*

Made an appointment with an advisor for Grand Valley…Also orientation…Those are March 23rd. Apparently, from what the woman I talked to said, when I sign up for classes, I will be doing it for the next three semesters! O.o [Once I start going to Grand Valley I don’t get summers off anymore. L I have to take two classes for the next two summers -not the upcoming one summer 2011, but summers 2012 & 2013.]
Also, the advisor guy I spoke to last year has apparently left. So I have no idea what I’ll be talking to when I go in.

Me thinks…I shall attempt a 1 ½ hr- 2 hr nap…At least just lay down and relax (Yeah, like that can so happen around here…But one can hope.)


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February 23, 2011

*hugs you lots*