Mass Funeral…
That is what my morning started with.
Actually it started with the realization that Nikolai was no longer with us. *sigh* Thankfully he didn’t pass away in his box house, it would have been quite difficult to get him out of there.
I found, somehow, the perfect size box for him, lined it with burgundy silk material…Placed Nikki in it, along with several little ‘trinkets’. Gave him his voodoo from his cage, I’m keeping his ‘girlfriend’, she wouldn’t have fit in the box by herself even. I also put in one of the pentacles I tried to shrinky dink a bit back, a small round quartz, a couple sunflower seeds, 3 lab pellets, and a yogurt drop. He also has his hammock folded up and placed in the box with him.
I gave Sonja the choice of keeping the hammock or putting it with him. She made him the hammock, although he never actually used it for sleeping. It ended up a place to put his food, as he kept dumping his food dish out. [I just had the thought I bought bananas last night…The thought when I got them was to share them with Nikolai & Pandora…]
I say mass funeral, as Ivan (Harley’s hamster) & Sonja’s 3 fiddler crabs have been in the freezer since winter when they passed on. I hadn’t managed to get to burying them yet…I think I knew it was best to wait. I know Nikki hadn’t been feeling his best…I knew this was coming. Still…Wish it hadn’t. Wish there was just, one more day…*sigh*
On a separate note…In regards to my last entry…I sent out a letter to FOC, & e-mailed a copy to CPS. With the additional information that Sonja called me in a panic, saying that her step-mother had said she was going to ‘beat her’ because she had ‘gotten in the way.’ Thankfully, they haven’t had to put up with that since then…That was Wednesday.
Tuesday night the Idiot texted, saying that he might be getting called into work, and asking if I could come and get the Critters in the morning if he did…he would ‘let me know.’
I never did hear from him…I assumed he didn’t get called in after all…That was until Sonja called and I could hardly understand her. (Heck, I thought it was Harley!) She hung up quickly because their step-mother had returned, and she had been told not to call me. (Which is bull too, as they are both suppose to be able to call me whenever they want.) About 10-15 minutes later Sonja & Harley got dropped off to home.
I’m hoping their father doesn’t come back from work until after his time to have them this week is up. I’m extra worried about Harley being there alone for the week that Sonja is away to camp. Apparently the step-sisters are gone for the rest of the summer…So it’s not like they will have any form of built-in-babysitter…Hopefully Harley ends up home more than not…*crosses fingers & toes & anything else that will cross*
Yesterday Mum took of work at noon & we went to T.C. to get a couple tires for her car. Two of them had cords showing through and not good, ever, let alone when making the treck to take Sonja to camp. We had some time to kill (which we ended up killing extra), so we went for a walk. Worst area in town to have to go for a walk. We were on one side of a busy, very busy, four lane road, which we were not going to cross. Everything that could be slightly entertaining was on the other side of said road…Still, we walked the other direction. Walked for about half an hour, then walked the half hour back. I found a golf ball, a marble, a feather, the top of a chew tin that has a grizzly bear on it. Sonja liberated a blue rock from a Pepsi symbol make of painted rocks outside some kind of building owned by Pepsi.
We should do something today too…I know Sonja had said they were suppose to get to go walk around Grassriver Natural Area, but the original day they were suppose to go the weather was bad, and so it was ‘postponed’…She was figuring by that point it just wasn’t going to happen. Maybe we could do that. *shrugs*
*hugs you lots* Aw sweetie.
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hugs to all three of you :/ ryn: aww yeah, perhaps a location on the north side of grand rapids? lol
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