It’s back to school again…

Well spring semester starts tomorrow…To bad spring doesn’t. I am so sick of the snow and the cold and all that rubbish. Blah. *gets out giant hair dryer to melt all the snow away* 

Anyway…I don’t have much time between dropping the Critters off at school and having to leave myself. I’ll have just about enough time to come home, have my cup of coffee, get dressed for school & put on my jewelry & make-up. If I do it quickly and all at once…Or something like that. At least on Mondays & Wednesdays, as I have to be in class by 10:15 AM. Tuesdays I’ll have a bit more breathing space, I don’t have to be to class until 1:00 PM…Still, I’ll have to be leaving here by 11:30 or so.
Saturdays are going to KILL me. *falls over* At least they aren’t every week…Thankfully…I have to be in class by 8:30 AM!  O.o OMGS…I’m going to have to get up at something like 6 or 6:30 AM! Someone shoot me!

Schedule will be as such…
Intermediate Algebra 10:15-12:15  [Ug…I have to think first thing in the morning…How is this going to work? *laughs*]
Break…Which James has the same break, so we are suppose to be meeting up in West Hall.
Oceanography 1:00-2:30

Oceanography Lab 1:00-3:00

Human Growth & Development 8:30-5:00
Jan 16th & 30th
Feb. 13th & 27th
March 20th
April 10th & 24th

*looks up at Saturday* I don’t know if there is going to be a break in there somewhere…Seems like there has to be…Like a half hour lunch or something…Which means half an hour that I’ll need to figure out what to do with myself. It’s the only class I have in Scholar’s Hall this semester. The other classes are in two different buildings but they are connected…The only time I have to go into the cold is to meet up with James. Evil boy, making me go out in the cold. & what’s worse…They are working on the one section of West hall…So I have to walk all the way around the building to get in out of the cold.

Well…I’m going to have to think about going to bed soon…& try to figure out what I’m wearing to school tomorrow…Wasil told me not to wear anything sexy to school. *laughs* 
& my head is killing me something fierce, or at least thinking about it…I was putting to Harley to bed, and he was being wiggling and not wanting to really go to bed yet (I think he had a rough week-end) but he zigged when he should of zagged…Or I did, or something, and I got the back of his head right to the bridge of my nose. O.o Gods…I’m lucky that I don’t have a broken noise (I remember the windshield inccident!)…But it didn’t even bleed. So yeah me! *laughs* But it did give me a mega headache…Which yeah, I did take something for…Should make some tea before heading to bed, help take the rest of the edge off it.


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January 11, 2010
January 11, 2010

have fun in HG&D

January 11, 2010

*hugs you lots and lots* we all need time turners!

How can you NOT look sexy?! =p