It’s an Update..or something..just random babbling

Three more essays in the book down…six more to go.

I really enjoyed the fact that Lawerence Watt-Evans, who wrote the essay Why Dumbledore Had to Die, also sees the possibilty of his return. I love it when people see that it could happen…even if Rowling doesn’t make it happen.  (It also goes to shows when we bring him back in roleplay, it’s either got to be a) after duffus…I mean Harry, goes off and has his spat with Tommy…or b) with the thought that if anyone tells Harry he’s a live they get a swift kick in the tail. *looks pointedly at Sirius* *laughs*   Otherwise Potter won’t go off and do what’s necessairy of him. *rolls eyes* Or so says the hero cliche’.

The other essays were about Neville, and the fact that he’s a hero in his own right. And the charge of sexism in the Harry Potter books.

The one after the next is someone finaly defending Hufflepuff. Poor Hufflepuff they get such a rawdeal, being seen most often as the collector of the left-overs. But all four houses are equally important…Come on did Cedric do nothing to raise Hufflepuff in the ranks? I mean there must be something there if he was chosen by the Goblet of Fire to be a Tri-Wizard Champion, right?

Another one I can hardly wait to read is Harry Potter and the Post-Tramatic Stress Disorder Counselor. Just the title alone makes me think it should prove entertaining.
But at the risk of sitting here and typing all the essay titles out, I’ll shut up now. *laughs*

Crap…I forgot to upload the pictures…
Critter B  aka Harley, got his hair cut today…He looks like a little boy now. *laughs* Still had to keep it long in the back a bit, as he even requested it. (Then again, he’s tramatized that we’ll try to give him a hair cut like the pets, because the stupid pet keeps saying he’s going to do it.  The pet’s hair is about an eigth of an inch long usually.)

*looks around* Which reminds me…Wonder where that idiot is. *kicks him*  As it is 10pm, and I haven’t heard from him all day. Not that I’m complaining…It’s so much quieter when he’s not here. Just serves to remind me that if we ever needed him for something, well…we’d never be able to find him.

Harley has been ‘making’ me play Mortal Kombat…It’s been soooo long. Though I am still fairly good at it. I can kick his butt anyway. *waits for the shouts of ‘but he’s only four’ or ‘you should let him win’*
As for the ‘he’s only four’  The night the pet set up the game systems, Harley was kicking his butt. So really, the boy can do just fine on his own. And for the other…um…No.  I can’t just let someone win on that game. *laughs*

Okays…lets see…Other than trying to decide if I dare open my last box of Jaffa…I really don’t need to eat another whole box in one setting…I don’t know what compelled me…oh yes I do…I’m a Jaffa addict.  *wonders if they have Jaffa Annoynomous*   I can hear them calling…

Oh well…I have an entry for Raven to finish…and should write something for Peter. While I’m thinking about that…I want to share what I put up last night, as I felt the necessity to give the poor rat a birthday, as Rowling hasn’t been nice enough to do it for me.  Peter’s Birthday   <—-click and see if you agree…Not that anyone other than me cares about the poor rat. *laughs*

*runs around in circles*  *gives into the lure of Jaffas*

Log in to write a note

*kicks pet* Again, he’s just worthless and useless, as always. Are you feeling alright, sis? *laughs* I mean, you’re trying to stick up for Hufflepuff? O.o, I want to see piccie! ~

February 1, 2006

*hugs* just recently saw jaffa cakes here in this interesting state. i am glad you have something to be addicted too. LOL i am addicted to chai and all manners of other things. *laughs weakly* i should belong to all sorts of anonamous groups…

February 1, 2006

I don’t even know what Jaffa Cakes are. I probably won’t care to know either. *shrug* They sound like rice cakes, and I don’t like those. *shakes head at the pet* He’s missing out.

Those sound like GREAT essays! 🙂

Your just jealous of my long red locks! *Twirls head about*

*Sticks foot out as you run around in circles* Aw! Did little Sirius Black fall down?

February 2, 2006

JK is extremely houseist isnt she i luff mortal combat always beat kath on it… and beth but i cant help screaming in glory lol jaffas woooooooooo grrr friends keeping battling to knock me off school computers… may have to kill them its just electronics no one likes the sub teacher anyhooo Nic xxx

February 2, 2006

jaffa cakes…i adore jaffa cakes sadly, they are not easy to find in chicago :o(

Ow! *Rubs ankle* Now I have to get myself checked..who know what you’ve been doing in your dog form. *Grins*

awww! i want to see critter b with his newly cut hair! *pulls out spork* post it up now!! *sits on the computer* i’m not moving ’til you post! note from an -echo, in case OD kicks me off-

I need to try these mysterious and magical Jaffa Cakes of which you speak so often. . .

February 2, 2006

wow thats a lot of essays. I havent written 1 for I dont know how long. mortal kombat is a fun game..i wouldnt be easy on harley either..wheres the fun in that? guys are always late..and dont like to call when there late too. Itd be nice if they were more thoughtful.