I’m in agony! Ahhhhh!

I’m not feeling as bad as I could be…mostly because I haven’t attempted to try and eat anything of substance.  Oh yes, to make this make more sense, *laughs* I had an orthadonist appointment today. Evil, evil people…Not sure when I’m getting them off yet. *pouts* They haven’t said anything in a while. They were estimating 2 years…which would be up in March. But I still have a tiny gap, which they are working to close right now, and I have a couple teeth they want to make sure the roots have moved on.

Todays torture:
Removed a bracket…Bloody hell…I am NOT looking forward to the day they are all removed at once. And the glue scrapping. *shudders* That is just bloody awful…metal instruments scraping across tooth…*shudders some more*
New wires all around…top and bottom…both thicker than the last. Soooo…Everything hurts.  And I’m out of Iburprofen…Blah…*is cursed & doomed*

Next appt. is in Feb.  Day before Valentine’s Day. *laughs*  Good thing I’m not expecting anything for it. 
Though they did bring up an interesting thought today…Sooner or later I’ll be having to get a retainer…and I’ll have to pick a colour. Tough decisions. *laughs*  I had red…what are they called? *shrugs*  The things on the brackets when they are single…and chains (Which I have a new chain along my bottom teeth as well as new wire.) Anyway…I’ve had red ones for 18 months…and for the last (almost six now)…I switched over to green.   Well I won’t get to flip flop colours on a retainer…So I’ll have to pick something to stick with for a while. 


Anyway…other than that…Not much going on. Been in a fairly good mood thus far the new year…despite slight iratations by the children, but I’m use to that by now. *laughs*

Did get a loverly phone call from my wonderful Sissy today. *grins* *hugs Raya*  Yay! *laughs*

I’ve got…3 entries I need to type up yet…But 2 of them are far future, so not in a rush.

What I really need to do is finish going through the boxes of stuff I took off my desk. But I have realized why it gets so cluttered so quick (which I more or less knew anyway, but I’ve been able to point this out this time, since EVERYTHING was cleared off at one point)…Whenever something gets taken from the kids…it goes on the desk…when someone picks something up off the floor, it goes on the desk. When anyone doesn’t know where something goes…it goes on my desk. PEOPLE! GET THE BLOODY HELL AWAY FROM MY DESK!!!  If you’re not using the computer…which you can’t because I’M using it…just stay away from my desk! *laughs* Gods…I mean really.

Right now, my desk isn’t too bad…I’ve got books on the one shelf:
A Muggle’s Guide to the Wizarding World
Raven’s schedule notebook
Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs
A Field Guide to Demons, Faires, Fallen Angels and other Subversive Spirits
Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic
An Encyclopedia of Faires, Hobgoblins, Brownies, Bogies, and Other Supernatural Creatures
Myths, Gods, and Fantasy
Quidditch Through the Ages
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
(The other five are in paperback and sitting on the fileing cabinet beside the desk.)
And Llewellyn’s Magical Almanac for the years  2004, 2005, and 2006.

Then I have a shelf with blank journals on it…awaiting something of proper importance for them.

I’ve got some nice new scratches on my back…the children startled Peter something fierce at one point.  I’m such an odd individual…I swear…I take some kind of odd delight in having my scratches. *shakes head* I’m mental, I swear. *laughs*

Okay…I think that’s it for now…Aren’t you all greatful. *laughs*

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January 3, 2006

*pats you gently* we all take pleasure in the most interesting things. *winks*

oooooooooooh! *pokes scratch* puuuuurrty!! *laughs* alright, i am not entirely sane at the moment err… anywho, i shall be off now my bed beckons me to lay in it comfortably… *yawns* take care! note from an

oh and i had braces for a bit over two years as well.. i think maybe more since i would skip dentist appts. heh. braces suck and the world should now about it! *raises anti-braces/retainers flag* note from an

..don’t scare me! I have to get my wisdom teeth taken out then get braces. -Runs and hides-

Well I’m almost 19 so I don’t know what level of pain that’s on. Lol. I have to get four taken out too, plus probably one of my regulars. When my ex went to talk about him getting braces, he asked them about me, and they said most likely they will have to pull a tooth to make room for my teeth to get straight, since the front of them are squished inward.

Hope the teeth stop hurting soon. Blessings and Love,

January 4, 2006

I’m glad I never had to have braces. I’m basically happy with my smile, though it could be whiter. Anyways, I hope all is well in your world. 🙂

just remember that monkeys don’t grow on bushes…. lol, insanity is the best! kicking braces isn’t fun at all… getting kicked isn’t fun, period. and… err…. i forgot what i was gonna say… and yeah thanks for the hair comment. i like my hair too! *giggles* take care! note from an

January 4, 2006

wow braces sound very painful, Ive never had them but now I really need them but I dont want to have braces when Im almost 19, I am stubborn. You are a very detailed person..I like it..lol. Ok now that I found out that Critter B is yours, what about Critter A?

*points up to Chelle’s note* I haven’t had any problems with my wisdom teeth yet. Knock on wood! I’ve had dull pains back there, but nothing horrible. Thank God! *laughs* Even if I was told to, I’d never get braces! Blah. ~

Aaah!!! I have a dentist’s appointment tomorrow. I think they’re gonna tell me my bad molar needs… A root canal. *shudder* ~