I should be asleep…

…But I’m not. *laughs*

I was forever finishing up my entry for Raven tonight…she got all reflective thoughty. So poor Peter got neglected. Tomarrow I should try to update my main 3.

Anyway…it’s almost 5 in the morning…and I have no critters!
When Justine’s mother came to pick her up, Sonja asked if she could stay the night there. Beth (Justine’s mother) said it was okay, and then Harley got all cryie, and she said he could go too. So after that, there was no telling the boy he couldn’t. Would of broke his little heart.

So they left, since Justine and her brother’s had dr. appt. today.
Sonja and Harley were both all anxious for them to come back…And then they finaly did…and off went my little ones. I’m still a bit…I don’t know…it’s odd to have them gone…exspecially both of them, and knowing they are somewhere they’ve never been before. But I haven’t gotten any calls…so things must be going well…I hope Harley hasn’t caused too much trouble…I know how he can get.  *bangs head on desk* Quit thinking about it! Now that I am, I’m getting butterflies in my stomach about them being gone….*bites lip* Ahhhhhhh!


Grimmie called today while at work…then called back later while I was more or less asleep…so didn’t talk long.

Raya called earlier today too.

I got phone calls! *laughs*  It’s odd, because I’m not much of a phone person…but there are just some people that it’s good to talk to on the phone.

I should be in bed (rather asleep)… I’m really avoiding going to bed though…as I don’t want to do so in my own room, or in the bed for that matter…and the bloody pet is still awake! WTF?! This from someone who keeps insisting he’s ‘sick’…yeah, in the bloody head!

Mum slept for most of the day…and now she’s on a cleaning spree…It got the dishes washed anyway. *laughs* Now she’s in the kids room…just put shelves back in Harley’s one shelf…Now I think she’s picking up over grown lego blocks.


Monday is Severus’s birthday! *hugs Severus* He’s going to be 38!
Alan Rickman’s birthday isn’t until February…He’s going to be 60! OMG! I still find that unbelievable…I’m lusting after a man whose old enough to be my father! Still…I just can’t help myself. *laughs*


*kicks pet in the head* Bloody prat…Just tried to tell me that I had to go to be. *rolls eyes* I don’t have to bloody well do anything I don’t want to…and I DON’T want to.

I want to write!  Though I doubt that will happen, because as soon as I get off the computer I will probably collapse…I just don’t want to go in there to do it. *hides*   


*pouts* Where is my Nelly Belly?  It’s close to half-way through the day over there…on the 7th day of the New Year…and I am Uncle Remus less…I swear she wants to see how much she can make me and Raya and whoever all else worry.

*sigh* I suppose I can’t just sit here and type forever…perhaps if I go pretend to help mum to clean until it is asleep. He couldn’t just stay alseep in the bloody chair, could he…Nooooo? He had to keep waking up and sticking his bloody nose into the conversation me and mum were having that had nothing to do with him.

That sooo pisses me off…We’ll be talking, and it’ll have nothing to do with him, yet he feels obligated to ask stupid questions that really have no bearing on his life, so why can’t he just bugger off. *rolls eyes*  And if that wasn’t the worlds longest run on sentence…I don’t know what is. *laughs*

*wants to write something* I know what I want to work on…but I’m not awake enough…After Severus’s birthday of course, must make that special…but  I want to write next week-end. *nods* Yep…*wanders off aimlessly*

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January 8, 2006

nelly belly come home!!!! aaaaaaaaaah lol the kids are out and mummy is on the pc lusting after almost 60 year old men…. blinking ink! 60 I ASK YOU!!! eeps my mum and dad are cleaning out their sock drawers at the mo… its odd they have barely any socks :S anyhoo rambling over.. must update nina Nic xxx

ryn Ah, so that’s what they are! Cool. They must have been an 80’s thing, though. Remember I was born in 1988! Someday, some kid I know who was born in 1996 is gonna ask me what the Tamgigatchi craze was. ~

And Wh00t! for Alan’s and Severus’s birthdays! ~

Well, you could have put them up for tops like 25 dollars each. It’s reasonable, you worked hard on them. Be like “Handcrafted *insert name* doll, three weeks of labor, blah blah blah”

January 8, 2006

I’d be making the most of my time when the kids were gone. Course I don’t have any kids yet, so I don’t know how I’d act in the situation. lol Enjoy your break. 🙂

ryn ::gasps:: the dark lord????? ::looks around nervously:: should i go with the dark lord???? ::light bulb:: is he smexi??? ::laughs:: okay, done with that… ::pokes picture as well:: i wonder if it’ll come to life if i keep poking it… ::pokepokepokepokepokepokepokepokepokepokepokepokepoke:: ….. hmmmmm…. not working… eh take care don’t let the dustmites bite note from an

January 8, 2006

It seems like things are good for you.

January 8, 2006

It must be nice to be kid-free for a night though, even though you are worried about how there behaving. The pet is still feeling sick huh? Hmm..lol.