*sigh* *kicks snow* I bloody well hate snow! *frowns*
Raya called from Memphis to say that the bus from Memphis to Chicago had been cancelled due to snow in Chicago. So now she’s sitting in Memphis…Don’t know when they’ll let the buses go again…And there is nothing I can do about it. I hate this! If I had a way to go and get her from there I would.
This is not how the trip was suppose to go…It was suppose to be nice and smooth and quick.

She had called a little bit before that to say that she was in Memphis, and that it had felt like it had gone quicker than she was expecting it to. *pouts* This is just not fair. *attempts to melt all the snow away*

Was going to don one of those ‘What happened in 2007’ entries…Even started it last night…Just don’t bloody well feel like it now.
Pretty much.
February was a bit better
April…Can’t recall anything.
May, got divorce papers & Dan ‘officially‘ moved out. WooHoo!
June…Randy died
July…Raya came to visit!!! [Highlight of the year!] *hugs sissy*
August…Raya went back home. L Raya decided she was moving to Michigan. J Started college.
September…Can’t recall anything
October…Had the Plague…Halloween…
November…Didn’t do NaNoWriMo like I wanted to do. Did do NoJoMo instead though.
December…Wrote the Twelve days of Yuletide with the help of my wonderful sister…Finished my first semester with [3] 3.5’s and a 4.0…

So yeah…That was the very condensed version of what was to be.

*sigh* *sends out many hugs towards Raya* She called to tell me that the bus station people said that estimated departure time is 8:45 AM now! *sigh* They is stealing my sissy for 12 hours! Proof that the weather and snow are evil. *nods*
*beats on the Farmer’s Almanac for lying…It said it was suppose to be mild, and some flurries…It didn’t say it was going to have pain in the arse snow.

It’s almost midnight…Well, a bit over an hour…*pokes at it*
Critters are both asleep…Mum isn’t here [She went to Karen’s daughter Amber’s, as they are having a party there tonight]. My sister is suppose to be on a bus, but instead is stuck in a stupid bus station. *takes deep breath* Okay…This is this year going on as crappy as it dares, in order for the new year to come in great…Right? It bloody well better be. *nods*


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Oh yeah…Happy New Year everyone…

* This entry accpets all notes.

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December 31, 2007

*hugs you* let us know the updates please on the trip. and i hope that the year is much better for ALL of us. *kisses your cheek and throws confetti*

January 1, 2008

Happy new year! Hope it starts getting better *kicks snow mercilessly*… That didnt work… *brings out flamethrower* AHAHAahahhaha… All done, she’ll be there before you know it *hugs* May Raya make your year wonderful!!!!! And everything else last year has been long and eventful… wonder what this one will be like…

Try to get some sleep Raven, it wouldn’t do to have you exhausted when she arrives. *smiles* Give her my love if you speak to her again. I’m thinking of you both, my friends.

*sends many hugs to the both of you!* Hopefully things smooth up and get betters for the new year.. maybe it’s like May.. in like a lion out like a lamb? *stays with that thinking*