
*le sigh*
Have I mentioned lately how much I hate distance? *small smile*

Suppose I could look at it this way…December is pretty much of the overs, so that should take 6 months down to 5 months…Less time to have to wait.
Have still been talking to Wasil nearly every night. Missed one night, but we still left each other offline messages. *smiles*
I text him yesterday to tell him I was thinking about him…Which got an ‘awwww…..  xoxoxo muwah’  in response. Last night while we were talking I asked him if he thought about me at all, to which I get back  ‘every day’.

Got the papers sent out for the court stuff yesterday: Response to Motion to Change of Custody (basically me saying ‘DENY’ to all of his allegations, and that they are utter rubbish)…Witness & Exhibit List…Motion to Deny Change of Custody (which is me saying the Critters are better off here and should stay here)…&…Request for an In Camera Interview (which is where the refferee will take the Critters off one on one and talk to them…Though whether Harley is technically old enough is up for debate…Sonja should be more than capable of presenting herself).

Well…I suppose I am off to watch 72 minutes of The Big Bang Theory….Then wait 54 minutes so I can watch some more…I blame Wasil…I shall have to pay him back properly when I get the chance…

Oh yesh…Almost forgot…Was talking to Grant on Facebook [Grant being Reese’s…Um…Er….Playmate of the moment? For lack of knowing what else to call him. Anway…]…School got brought up, and he said something about at least I’ll have a degree when I’m done, all he’ll get is a piece of paper that says he can build boats (He’s going to a boat building school in the UP)…I made some remark about commandeering the Manitou out of Traverse City…He then informed me that if I wanted to go out on it this summer he could probably arrange it! O.o  Apparently he knows the owner and the captain…His family is all boat people, so he knows boat people…Told him I might have to take him up on that offer…Told him about June/6 months…I thought maybe if Wasil wanted to go, it would be something to do….He & I and Reese & Grant could all go…Grant asks about Wasil…Though I’m not sure why *shrugs* *laughs*….& Wasil has sort of met Reese, via the webcam & the fact she’s been over here a lot of late. [It’s the holidays, she attempting to avoid her family as much as possible….Plus she’s gotten snowed in at my house a couple times this month…Evilness of snow.]

Yeah, anyway…Things to do…Though it mostly involves sitting at the computer. O.o *shrugs* *laughs*

Oh yeah…I think I’m suppose to go out with Mum tonight…*shrugs* 

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December 30, 2009

*hugs you* i am positive things will work out your way with the asshat that claims have donorship. idiot. i want you to feel betters and happy. *hugs you more*

I do agree that distance sucks. *nod nod* and, the idiot needs to get lost. In some sort of painful way. And! Yay boats!!! *lol*

December 30, 2009

You should have no problem with the idiot. And I agree with the above not – very painful ineed. Boatage sounds like funs! xxx