Day 14 of NoJoMo…& still managing

Still a bit congested & still some coughing…Feeling more or less betters…Hopefully will continue to get betters.

I finished reading Persuasion…Took notes the whole time to the questions…Now I just have to do a whole lot of typing of stuff up.

Need to find more info for econ paper & get something written on it.

Ug…Children’s Lit…Yeah…Really need to do something with that. *falls over* 

& now…I’m suppose to come up with something to tell Wasil to tell his mother I want for Christmas. *head desk* Bloody hell!

Wasil asked me last night to try and get it so I can go down there with him for a day…For their Christmas thing I’m guessing, as he means to take me to his parents house. O.o [Gods…His mother is an obnoxious woman…But for him, I will go.]

So yeah…I’m going to call this an entry.

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I’m glad you are feeling better. ryn: What do you have to read from Coleridge? I ♥ his work! ♥