Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah…

Electric is sort of fixed.
We can use the outlets again…But two of them are connected together with an external wire. O.o *shrugs* 
I don’t know…It’s temporary. They are suppose to do something to fix it.

I did actually manage to get part of FA taken care of…The part at Grand Valley. Now I need to talk to NMC about their short-term loan thing…What I did last time…I get a loan that says it has to be paid by X & that X is suppose to fall after I get my FA refund from Grand Valley. [Did that yesterday after school.]

Math was worthless today.
She gave us a paper, expected us to know it. I wanted to cry.
I didn’t even get half of it done, it was a struggle. I’m hoping she puts the ‘key’ up online…Otherwise I’m not going to be able to do the portfolio, as some of those problems are the same kind…& I don’t even want to think about the test next week.

Ug…Too much noise…Head hurts…I give up.


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December 2, 2011

*hugs you and hands you headache meds and sits quietly*

December 2, 2011

Almost done. You can make it!!

*pokes electric* Stop being wo weird! *lol* Yay for getting half of the FA done! *kicks math teacher* *HUGS*