*beats Pingu viciously*

I am attempting to reconstruct what I had done of my Human Growth & Development homework. *sigh* & I still haven’t manage to figure out what to do about the Advocacy part of it, which is 3 points out of the 8 points we get for our homework. *sigh* So  much needed part.

Why the reconstructing? Because Pingu went down again last night. *shakes head* I don’t know what is wrong with the bloody thing. It won’t start back up…It tries, but it just can’t manage to do it. It’ll come up with the screen that says there was an error or something, and lists the choices of modes to start windows in…You click to start one and the start screen comes up, but it blacks out again and goes back to the screen that says there was an error, and asks what mode you want to start it…It just keeps doing that, over and over. Blah.

I need to figure out how to be in two places at once come June. *sigh* I’m really beginning to feel cursed. Wasil has two different weeks to chose from for his vacation…June 3rd-10th or 12th….Or…June 10th-17th or 19th.
The Critters last day of school is June 10th…I needs to be there for that…Plus I get them the first week of summer this year…So the week I’m suppose to have them is the same week Wasil is going to be in Michigan. *sigh* 
I don’t know how I’m going to make this work. *cries* 

Yeah, feeling quite frustrated…

Well I suppose I should try to get a bit more of my homework done…I only have till next week…Luckily she is counting the game she had us make in class as our Evidence of Understanding for this section, so I don’t have to worry about that at least.

Oh yeah…Got my pressie from Wasil. I can’t remember if I mentioned last time what it was going to be…He got a new webcam so he sent me his old one. He’s bloody lucky the box got delivered. *shakes head* *laughs* I suppose the mail system doesn’t care what name is on a package, as long as the right address is on it, as said package was addressed to ‘Baby Girl’.
I has his address now…And knowledge that it’s not just 600 miles away…It’s 619.18 miles away…9 hours & 59 minutes to drive…*sigh* Blah.

Anyway…Yeah, homework…

Oh yeah…One more thing…Mum is getting a good refund & she’s talking replacement computers…So hopefully the computer issue will be taken care of soons.


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February 6, 2010

:O( So sorry Pingu has gone belly up. Silly silly Pingu. Hope you figure out your multiple places at once plan!! xxx

February 6, 2010

*hugs you lots* i know that computers often suck. yes, vacations are mean. *hugs you more* it will work out dear.. it will!

February 6, 2010

When I worked at Camp, we were given mail in public (after singing for it) so I asked everyone to address my mail to “Critter” to avoid having kids find out my real name. Stupid computers *wishes I could be less dependant on a machine*

February 6, 2010

computers are annoying… ya know if there was a yard of all old computers and I had a hudge hammer type thing I would so smashing the computers! It would be to theraputic 😀

My boy is 24 hours away. Probably more. =(

[RYN] Yours and Texas! Haha! He’s from MI. =(