A week in Chaos. *EDIT*

Bloody hell…& here I thought having no Tuesday class for two weeks would make for a simplier week…*falls over laughing* Yeah…Right…

Monday: Critter dentist appointments & Sonja hair cut. Didn’t wake Harley up before taking her to school…Didn’t mention to him that he wasn’t going to go to school before he went to bed.
When I got back from dropping Sonja off, Harley had woken up and was on the upset side, as he first thought he missed the bus, then thought someone had ran off with me. *sigh* Poor boy…No more of that.

Tuesday: As I was bringing Sonja home from school, missed a phone call (it’s near imposible to hear anything, let alone my phone ring while it’s in my purse in the Tracker). Pulled in the driveway and listened to the voice mail. *groan* Called New Campus back (Harley’s school)…Harley had been having a fit when we was on the bus, and they had to take him back off the bus. We had to go to TC & pick him up. *sigh* 
Went to Dollar Tree & Wal*Mart while in TC to get stuff for Sonja’s Halloween party she’s having Friday (which will be Friday’s chaos). The little bags we got at the dollar store, while adorable, are smaller than what we were expecting…So yeah…But we did manage to figure out something, just have to figure out what to do with the rest of things now.

Wednesday (Today): Sonja had a doctor’s appointment today. & then I took her to school. Have to go into town after I pick her up, hopefully remember to take the drawing I did for Crys/Esme and get it sent out. Need to get a red Sharpie, as they seem to die quickly, and we need them to draw little bullet holes on the happy face buttermint candy wrappers we got for the Halloween goodie bags.

Thursday: Class…Have to finish the homework for that yet…Which is the usual class reflection, that I do have half way done already. I know we have a guest speaker, that’s about it…& no lesson plan presentations (aside from those who haven’t presented because of lack of time or missing class).

Friday: Sonja’s Halloween Party…Which will, at last count, be her, Dwayne & Kyle…Possibly Kristie. They are suppose to watch a movie, possibly do some karaoke…*shrugs* Who knows. As long as Dwayne doesn’t molest anymore teddy bears we’ll be fine. *laughs*

Saturday: Harley has a birthday party to go to in TC…So that’s another trip that way.

Been reading in an attempt to find stuff for my paper…I have managed to find 3 or 4 tales to work with, in addtion to the articles about trickster teachers…Thinking I might have to look up some articles on student engagement/learning…Hopefull I can manage this.

I have want of writing…Aside from the paper, as that is a requirement, I want to write for fun.
NaNoWriMo is taunting me…But there is no way I can keep up with that, I know that, what with the aforementioned paper of evilness.
I have found myself, sidetracked from research on my paper, on research on potential other things. *shakes head @ self* Sometimes, I really do not know what to do with me.

OMGs…I still need to get pumpkins! O.o
Last night, on the way to TC, I seen that the place I’ve gotten my pumpkins for the last 6 years doesn’t have any pumpkins left! *frowns* Tis of the sadness.
I’m not sure where I’m going to get them now…But I’ll find them somewhere.

I think that is pretty much it for the moment.

Well, a cop & a CPS worker just left here.
Yesterday when Harley had been taken off the bus and I had to go get him we had to talk to the Principal/Director before we left.
In the process of the conversation it was brought up that the Idiot had kicked Harley in the leg towards the end of the summer.
The Principal said she was required to file a report with CPS.
The house, of course, looks like an explosion. Thankfully most of it could be covered in getting goody bags ready for Halloween.
BUT…I’m going to have to work twice as quick on my cleaning up of the living room that I was working on, & the Critters both need to get their rooms looking like rooms instead of explosions. We’ve got 30 days to get them to look liveable.
I’m figuring, in the long run, it’s going to do nothing of worth. & it’ll probably get the other household all cranky, and I have to worry about if they are going to take it out on Harley & Sonja.
So yeah…Lots of cleaning ahead of me. Fun…In addition to school & everything else that the world is going to toss at me.




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Woooow! Busy busy week! 😀 I keep forgetting to check the prices of pumpkins around here. :/ They’re expensive in Missouri this year! baaah

:/ oh wow! If I was a bit closer I’d help with the cleaning of asplosions. At least you have a month, and hope nothing else gets thrown at you guys and they don’t give the Critters a hard time. 🙁

RYN: Family Fair has pumpkins for 2 or 3.. carving pumpkin size. Not huge, but not too little either, so I tWehink I’m going to get one or two of them… maybe check and see about Meijer. We never go to Wally World.. haha Erm.. maybe see if the notebooks can get packed away better and number down the boxes? I would think that if it was explained or told to them that it is her notebooks…that it would be okay. I mean really? :/