A bit more awake tonight, but not much.

Not quite as tired today…Still going to make this quick, hopefully…Still have to get up to take them to school in the morning…Then do all the homework I have.

Had parent teacher conference with Sonja’s teacher today.
Her lowest grade is a C, which is in math.
She has 4 B’s (Grammer, Science, Social Studies & Spelling)
a B+ (Writing)
an A (Reading)
& an A- (Logic)
Also the class has been put into reading groups…Sonja is in a group of two, which conists of her and her cousin Tony. Tony is, somehow, a brainchild…So it pretty much says that Sonja is one of the top two readers in her class.

Homework for the week-end:
Lots of reading to catch up on Detective Fiction. I offially HATE Doc Savage…It’s boring & dry & makes me want to shoot myself while I’m trying to read it. It’s painful, really.
Abnormal Pysch Mind Map & Focus Questions.
I need to be half-way through (at least) in Food Inc. for Ethics (by Thursday, so a little bit more time there).
There is also something I have to do for Detective Fiction besides read…Have to be online for it, need to stay away from Facebook.

Critters school pics came back…I will get them scanned and posted, hopefully soon.

Learned the major differnece between heading into Pottery with no idea what I am doing & with a definate idea of what I’m doing. Tuesday I was worthless…I had no idea what I wanted to do, and no drive to even figure it out (of course I was so tired that day that I nearly fell asleep in Ethics). Today I went in there knowing what I was going to be working on…It was sitting on the drying shelf before I left, as I had completed making it. |
All my stuff that I’ve made so far has been glazed and fired, just waiting on grading (with the excpetion of the lid to my genie bottle).

Think that’s about it for the moment…

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November 5, 2009

yay for sonja! love to all!

November 6, 2009

She’s doing so well! Go her, and you, obviously :O) xxx