2 tired 2 B alive.

My head is friggen killing me! *falls over* I’m dead tired, and shouldn’t have any trouble getting to sleep tonight. [Last night Tianna (the neighbour girl who stayed to watch the Critters today) stole my sleeping spot on the floor-Made Harley happy, he got to wake up next to T this morning. Sooooo, I crawled off to my library to sleep…Alone…O.o I don’t sleep in there alone! *laughs* Anyway…I sprayed the bedding down with the Axe that Todd left here a couple weeks ago…Helped with the sleeping.]

School…*beats it with a stick for getting me up so bloody early*

Got there a bit early…The doors weren’t even unlocked…But at least I didn’t have to wait alone, as James was already there. [Thus far, Reese’s schedule is messed up, and she doesn’t have Drawing II with us in the mornings.]
We were suppose to draw six thumbnails of parts/places in the building (or outside for that matter)…I managed to get three of them done in the amount of time we had. [Planning on going back over there after class tomorrow and finishing them up).

After Drawing II, I have three hours to kill…Sooo, since I had nothing else to do, James made me walk him to class. Not only to Scholar’s Hall, but up the stairs and to his classroom. *shakes head* He is a strange one…Then again, I did it…*shakes head at self* *laughs* He told me I had to do it Thursday too…Told him I wasn’t going to do it once snow came. Sick puppy that he is likes snow.

Ran into Reese after I left James, she was late to her English class…So she went off to that, while I walked all the way back across campus (as the Fine Arts Building and Scholar’s Hall are on opposite sides of the campus), to where I had Appa (my Blazer) parked.
Made the mistake of running to the Wal*Mart plaza and lost my wonderful parking spot. *kicks bad parking* And it was pretty much a pointless drive, as nothing I wanted was where I went.

Got back to campus, read what I needed to for English/Creative Writing tomorrow…Still need to rewrite my memory exercise for class…Will have to do that tomorrow before I leave…*makes self get up in time to do so* I really don’t need to get behind on stuff this early.

While I was on break between classes my phone rang. *grins* Todd called! *giggles* He had woken up, attempted to look half-heartedly for his sister’s lost dog, and decided to call me before going back to sleep.
*is all giddy just because boy called* *giggles*
It just really makes me feel good that he would even think to call.

Reese called me when I was on my way back across campus…Figured I’d meet James after class, so the poor boy wouldn’t have to walk all by himself…Anyway…Told her what I was up to, so she was going to meet up with us there too…Good thing, as he got out early. So the three of us walked to where they were having some Student Fair thing…They were giving free food.

Had 2-D design with Reese. Which we got out of a little bit early. Walked with her so she could see when she could get an appointment to talk to someone about her classes…Left my art supplies with James, so I had to bring him a hotdog back as payment. *laughs*

Went to Life Drawing. We are going to draw EVERYday. [Hence the reason why we are told to get three newsprint paper sketchbooks…He said some people go through four or five of them even!]

We did a bunch of quick practice sketches, which he said we don’t need to keep…Then one 15 minute sketch that he told us to put in our portfolios. We have live models to draw…At some point there are going to be nude models. O.o *covers eyes*

*has a list of supplies I still need to pick up* Apparently we are suppose to have a text book & a sketch book for Life Drawing, which they didn’t bother to have listed on the supply list when I went to get my stuff. So I’ll have to pick those up tomorrow…

Also got a (luckily small) list of things that the Critters need for school…Sonja’s is simple, a box of Kleenex, and an empty Pringles can. Also she can take a snack in for the morning, so will have to come up with something for that. Harley needs a box of Kleenex, a small bottle of Germ-X, 3-2 pocket folders, and for some reason, a water bottle.

*is on the verge of being comatose* I will post this…Then I think I will be crawling off to a nice warm hole, and going to sleep.

Two more days of school…Four day week-end!
Todd has Thursday & Friday off…So hopefully I will be spending those days with him.

Saturday & Sunday, if all goes well, Mum & I will be taking the Critters camping, since we got rained out last week-end.

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August 26, 2008

the schools are asking for germ-x or you are just getting it?? Ermn crap there was soemting else. I hope that the camping dosn’t get rained out this time!!!

Ben sprays a teddy bear he got me with his axe whenever he leaves every night. 😀 Lol it works though! Yay for drawing classes! Hope camping doesn’t get rained out for you this weekend. Sleeeeep!

August 26, 2008

we didnt’ have to get the hand sanitizer this year. *shakes my head* poor teachers and poor us whom have to outfit the damn classes!

August 27, 2008

re: for real you have to watch those things with kids.

August 27, 2008

school already? *falls over* i don’t start till super late it would seem hey! *hugs* i’ve made a bit of a return again lol we’ll see how long it lasts this time, hopefully long missed you 🙂 xxx

August 27, 2008

oh wow! Schools started again, that means summer is basically over… what a sad thought 🙁 lots of drawing! Wow, very art based course… *is jealous* sounds like hard work though, try to get more sleep *hugs* Really dont want you falling into bad sleeping habits again… (and I remember this because I’m strange but also because I truly care *hugs alot more*)

Sounds like you had a much good & sociable second day! Yay for phone call from boy! Geez. I remember when I was in elm. school; the school supply list was a mile long! *HUGS*