#19…*insert cleverly witting title here*

Blah…*kicks boy for being a boy and operating on boy time*
But he did call the other day, and that is something…At least I know he’s still talking to me. *sticks out tongue @ him*

Not much to say today…Handed in assignment #6…Only need to do the revision assignment, and Creative Writing will be done with for this semester.

The semester which, upon looking closely at a calendar today, is ready to rip me to pieces as it is ending. O.o This week-end is going to be sketching & drawing Buddy…I can’t let anything else get in the way…I have to set some kind of limits on myself to make sure these things get done.

Did the 2-D design project that I was suppose to work on in class tomorrow at home tonight…Luckily I had acrylic paints at home…This way if we have another assignment he’s ready to hand out, I can get it, and get moving on it. My goal…To clear up the 2nd of December. Sonja’s class has a graduation from the D.A.R.E. program, at 1:00 on the 2nd…And I’d really like to be able to go. Which also means missing Life Drawing again…Which means my 4th miss in it, and I might start getting marked down for the missings…Though as we only have 6 more classes left…It’s not like I’m likely to miss a whole lot more of them.

Yeah…6 more classes for Drawing II, 2-D design & Life Drawing. O.o This semester has gone quite fast!

Only…*digs out planner* 4 more classes for Creative Writing…It would be 6 too, except, he’s counting the Monday of finals week as our last day, instead of making us go all the way to Wednesday…& we would ordinarily have class the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, but with his injury, and his wife having to be his driver…She doesn’t want to wait till it’s starting to get dark to drive down state for Turkey day visitings…Soooo…We get the day off. J

I’m taking hot cocoa to school tomorrow…Raspberry flavoured. I can’t recall what Reese said was her favourite, and I don’t particularly care to recall…James and I agreed, Raspberry is much of the yummieness.

I can’t remember if I’ve said it or not…Reese doesn’t plan on returning to Northwestern next semester. She plans on going to NCMC (which is in Petoskey) instead. She’s not even going to her English class anymore, as she got too far behind on the work.

Friday Mum plans on taking the Critters out to see their great grandmother on dad’s side. Not exactly what I want to be doing on a Friday…But maybe I can find something to draw…*shrugs* Doubt it, but it’s possible.

Saturday I’m taking Harley shopping for his birthday…He’s got the $20.00 from his grandpa & a $3.00 gift card from Toys ‘R’ Us…I’m going to pick up Sonja the next book in the Warriors series (as she brought her grades up very nicely & that’s the book she wants as reward for it. The Warriors series being about a bunch of cats)…Also thinks I’ll be getting the next Naruto manga…As it came out at the beginning of the month, and I STILL don’t have it yet.

Suppose that is it…I have to find a bunch more crap for my sourcebook for 2-D design…And get a new ink cartridge for the printer, so I can print the crap out. [The ink cartridges for this printer are cheaper than the last one…Unfortunately, we go through twice as many it seems. O.o So in the long run…I think it costs more! *sigh* And the print quality on pictures aren’t as good, unless you set it for mega ink usage. Blah.]

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“But he did call the other day.” Technically, he called today…2:45 a.m. *lol* Yay for being done with C.W.! Oo, I did D.A.R.E., too, when I was about Sonja’s age. This semester has passed quickly! Yay for holiday break, yesh? *HUGS*

November 19, 2008

yay with getting one thing almost done. I remember D.A.R.E

November 19, 2008

*hugs you close* yes, the year does seem to be moving along rather quickly. have a good night dear. MUAH

I hate the ink cartridges for printers it doesn’t matter in the long run you end up spending too much money on the darn ink.

November 20, 2008

RYN: I’m sure that you could lol.