

Last week I was leaving home as the sun was setting behind the horizon.

I took a couple of photos. 

Then I just sat a few minutes and watched it change.


There is a lot to be said for change. They say it’s constant and one of the few things
we can count on happening forever. I guess it’s not really change though if you don’t
stop and watch it happening, consider yesterday and contemplate tomorrow.
I’ve taken to stopping a lot recently and watching the changes around me,
or more accurately inside me. I’ve listen to a couple of my friends
as they said things like "…You sure seem a lot happier..".  I agree, I am
a lot happier. Of course, thinking back over my 48 years of life I guess I’ve gone
through many periods of happiness, followed by times of distress and uncertainty.

This time is different though,  a difference that I find difficult to put into words.
The closest thing I can think of when it comes to trying to explain it
is the scene in the movie, "The City of Angels"

Seth: What does it taste like?
Maggie: You don’t know what a pear tastes like?
Seth: I don’t know what a pear tastes like to you.

Of course if you have seen the movie then you know that he had no ‘eartly’ idea of what a peach would taste like to a human. I find myself in a similiar situaton today. I find myself having feelings and auras that I find really difficult, no… impossible to describe so that anyone else can understand it. Fortunately to the one that matters the most I don’t  have to explain it. She knows the fellings just like I knew the sound of her "I love you Keith" before she ever said it. In the dialog after I heard it she explained how she knew exactly when she realized it and I explained how I felt it before she expressed it to me in words. I can only hope she feels the same way about
the feelings I can’t express – actually, I know she does.

Is it just me or are the words, " I LOVE YOU"  just too limited in scope for eternity. 


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They are limited. They mean too much and not enough. Still…. they are all we have to tell someone what we feel.

January 15, 2008

change might be wonderful for some people but its one of the few things in life that I hate. Things change and I can’t write any more. Things change and I’m sad all the time. Things change and friends disappear. How can change be good?

maybe its time for me to give up and just quit trying.

January 15, 2008

I’ll have to disagree with the first noter. I love you is not the only way we have to tell someone how/what we feel. It’s just one way of many to do it, some feel it is the most important way though.

Shes not all that is she? You talk like she is perfect but you are just setting yourself up for a great fall. You once loved another like this, read some of your other entries have you forgot? She is beautiful but I bet behind those green eyes is a person no different than I am or any other woman. Men are so easy to fall for a pretty face

Dear You, I read your comment and wondered what to say to you to help you feel better. First, IÂ’m not perfect, so thank God Keith wasnÂ’t looking for perfection, Second, you are right I am no different than you in many ways for example: I wanted to find someone to love and who would love me, someone I could spend the rest of my life with hand in hand and enjoy whatever time we have left on this

(contÂ’d) earth, Third, thank you for the compliment about my looks, but thank God again Keith saw beyond my looks and saw who I really am and what kind of person I strive to be. And last but not least, My green eyes were inherited from my grandmother which I loved very much, and I am proud to have them, (out of 5 children I am the only one with her green eyes) and yes behind them are tales of

(contÂ’d) pain, heartache, love, and hope for a better future, and I am sure that is no different than you, no matter what color your eyes are. One of my strengths is always looking for the good in others, I always try to look beyond there flaws and mistakes, because we all have them and made them. But in you I see someone who obviously cares for Keith very much, so I know you only want him to be

(contÂ’d) happy, and why you didnÂ’t choose to let him know will always be a mystery to me. I canÂ’t change that but I promise you that I will love him and only him for as long as we both find it in our hearts to feel the same way about each another, and I will pray that you will find someone that will be as good for you as he has been for me and I for him. We wish everyone could be as happy as we

(contÂ’d) are but to have that you have to be happy with yourself. DonÂ’t let bitterness and anger cheat you out of a life you so deserve and obviously want. Love is one of the greatest gifts of all and I should know, because I am experiencing it as we speak. Sincerely, Cindy