pretty good.
i have most of my christmas stuff put away and packed up. i still need to get the tree up into the attic but i need matts help with that. my living room looks rather naked now. i went to 3 different stores today trying to find nyquil nitetime. everyone was out of it and running low on tissues. gotta love cold season. i feel good that i got something done. i still have to put my kitchen back together so i can cook dinner later but then i think i’m about done for the day. i’m exhausted and not feeling very well. at least i cant say that i didn’t do anything.
the lighting outside is a rather funky color and i am just waiting for it to start snowing. i am hoping we dont get the ice they are calling for. tht would so totally not be much fun.
matt and i have been debating how long we want to resign our lease for. our lease is up in march and we had signed on for one year. i kinda just want to see how things go and just resign for a year and see how we look in a few months and then decide from there. we would like to try to buy a house in the next two years if the economy improves any. we havent discussed that very much. besides buying a house would mean having to stay here for a while and neither of us is sure if we want to stay in jersey or not. i do like some of there town houses here in heritage lake. they are alittle pricey. i guess we will have to sit down one of these days and discuss what we want to buy and how much we want for a down payment so we know what needs to be saved.