I got the offer letter in the mail today from td. so excited to finally see it in writing. i’ll be so happy to have a real paycheck coming in again. then matt and i can get caught up on some bills. we haven’t missed payments but they have been late. we want to get the credit card paid down and so on. i finally bought sleep md to try. its one of the original over the counter sleep aids. i’m getting fed up with not sleeping and all the damn drugs i need are so expensive.i’ve been trying to deal. we’ll see how the sleep md works.
its still so damn cold out. we turned the heat on for the first time the other night because the temperature downstairs dipped below 60 degrees. we have natural gas heat and its so expensive. i’ve had my space heater turned on upstairs because thats where i have been spending most of my time. we hadn’t turned it on till now because the temp in our apartment would hover around 65 degrees. but with outside temps at 0 or below we had to turn it on. there was no getting around it. so we should have a nice expensive gas bill next month. lol.
other then that i haven’t been up to much. just been enjoying my last few days of freedom. ok i’m off to go do something productive. lol