*sigh* i had such a nice day today. never mind yesterday. that just sucked….i’m over that.
i went and did some theraputic shopping. i went to kohls and marshalls and bought a few new bras, a new pair of jeans, cute boots that look like uggs but arent uggs. i also bought a set of sheets. i spent $130 in kohls and i saved $140. i also opened up a khols charge card and saved an extra 20% off. it was nice to go out and do a little shopping.
i came home and made potato pancakes and fried chicken for dinner. i ddint really do any kind of housework as i wasnt in a mood to do so. thats ok the house doesnt look to bad.
not wanting to go to work tomorrow. what else is new these days.um..i seem to have forgotten what i wanted to say. that seems to be happening alot lately…..