
A blood red sun set on the eve of the event. And no one ever saw again; and no one ever was. There was no was ever again.


War is changing. War is a transformation process. It is a sick kind of torture. War is that which is not, and, therefore, turns people. Yes, it turns people. There’s no way around that. War turned me, and it turned everyone around me. It rises quickly, too quickly. It’s up before there’s time to run. By the time it’s down, it’s too late. The sun rises golden and sets marooned. The night only brings redemption. And that’s when the change sets in.


I was assigned to the third unit of the battalion. Yes, that was my unit; my group; my team; my brethren. And I was glad for it. I went to fight for it all. I went to vie for the cause, and I was happy to do it. I needed to fight, if I didn’t fight, then who would? Someone needs to fight, right? So, I fought. Well, I went to anyway. Before they would let us fight, though, we needed to train. So, we trained. We trained and we trained and we trained. We trained because we knew it would help us fight. We trained so we could defeat the enemy and help the cause. We trained for good, as to vanquish evil.

They showed us techniques and they showed us strategy. And we gladly accepted both. I had a friend; his name was Gus. Gus and I talked often about the war. We were so ready; we were so ready to fight. Gus was big and muscular, I wasn’t. I figured that as long as I stayed near to Gus, I would be protected. I had found my protector. That’s what most of the smaller guys did, found a bigger one to hide behind. I didn’t want to hide; I just wanted a shield. The way I saw it, I was a better fighter alive then I was dead.

We arrived amidst fire. It was very loud. I tried to cover my ears, but a bullet grazed my raising hand, severing my pinky finger. I couldn’t hear my screams over the catastrophic noise, but I was sure they were there. I looked to Gus and for a moment he looked to me as well. A bullet ended our exchange quickly. I couldn’t really see through Gus’ blood, but I knew then that I had to get down. I threw myself forward and landed in a muddy trench. I looked up to see what I could. Through the smoke I was barely able to make out the rising sun, shining golden through the horror. “Good morning boys!” I remember the sergeant’s words, but I wish I didn’t.

I quickly covered my bleeding hand in mud, hoping to stall the blood flow. I looked around, terrified, trying to see the current strategic maneuver we were exhibiting. Yet, I was met only with chaos. I grabbed a passing soldier and asked him about our plan. He looked at me, both angry and bewildered, and threw me aside, mumbling obscenities under his breath. I decided that I would have to take my chances alone. So I rose from the trench.

There wasn’t much to see. Passing objects and spurting blood and smoke. The air was articulately designed from painful screams and metallic wrenches. The eerie disaster was somewhat profound. It was an exhibition, an art form. And, for the moment, I was able to admire its craft. Then something hit me, something that held with it more force than I had ever met. It slammed me back into the trench, impaling my right arm on a discarded machete. I felt an immediate sharp pain in my left shoulder as I realized I had suffered yet another bullet wound. It was then that I lost what little I had left. I began to close my eyes, and give into what I believed to be death’s embrace, when I was lifted onto a stretcher and carried away from it all.

They bandaged my left hand, my left shoulder, and my right forearm, and sent me back into the darkness. How it was dark in mid day was none of my concern. I could not imagine such events taking place within light. I could not even imagine the eventual prospect of light. I grabbed a rifle and my mind was gone. If it was a certain uniform and it was moving, I shot it. I shot whatever it was that I could. I shot and I shot. I shot until I couldn’t. I shot until I passed out from pain. I carried myself until it was impossible and implausible. And when I had nothing left, when the blood loss and the pain became more than any mortal form could bare, I collapsed and presented heaven with one final, hopeless gaze. There sat a blood drenched orb, slowly making its way west. It sank into the earth like so many forgotten vessels, and I watched in awe as I too sank. So the tides had turned, and my day had come full circle.


Who is to say what war is. No one can define a way; No one can define it. Such a task is left to God. And even God turns his head and frowns. Even the light looks away at this, and sacrifices itself to do so. Even God is forced to forsake the golden, casting it down, wrapped in its own life. So it is that a blood red sun will set, and the event will be assigned no fate, for there is no such fate. No, there is only redemption. This is the change and the promise and the was that will be.

A guy

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Very good…I liked the way you detailed everything…I could actually see the war scene in my head..I could actually hear the bullets fired….again you inspire me *dances away* Tink

RYN: Thank you! By the way…I think you might like my new entry…! Tink

May 7, 2004

war is one circle of irony. we fight and kill people to obtain peace, the same thing that the”enemy” wants. the fact that both sides can agree on that one longing: peace, should be enough to prevent war. make love, not war!!

Sorry. For a while, my mother, (who may I say is unhappy, and therefore wishes everyone else to be) took the internet.. from me .. kind of. So, unless i can go to my friends house.. I cannot write much. But, i will surely get my paycheck from work soon, and pay for the internet myself. Thankyou for noting.. as a result of my undescribable insecurity, I thought that writing back wouldn’t be…

thanyou.. for the night note.. my creativity.. I like to think of it as… locked away somewhere.. until I really need it.. ya know? i think that when you write a poem or story.. or a song.. it shows a bit of who you are.. and without them I already show ppl much about me.. involuntarily actually. And I don’t like to be the type of person to open up.. I just do.. so.. yeah my creat. is locked up

I’m sure unity is more complex than we could ever imagine.. basically b/c there are so many things to be in sync with in life.. and there.. there are SO many times we are disconnected with everyone, everthing, and especially our emotions.. but with me, probably just honesty with myself. I lie to myself so that I can remain what some ppl would call “content”

hmm.. yes. I would like to talk to you. hmm.. internet times are bad now.. but.. wait for me.. another week or two.. and.. yeah. I want to talk.

HIYA, Well erika sure does like to write alot… lol.. anyways I finished my story you should read it…It’s good.. I wrote the 2nd part in German to as well as english.. Anyways i’ll talk to ya later…

the first few lines were absolutly violently beautiful,you sketch a picture so emotionally fitting to the rest of the compositionyou are brilliant.ryn;you wrote, “forsaken beauty”& i thought those words were gorgeous side by sidemorgan xxx;

Stunning. You’re amazing. RYN: thank you, I usually don’t wallow in validation, but, I don’t usually write personal entries, either. . thank you for assuring me I am more than art and wit.

May 9, 2004

shivers down my spine.

Very nice. You painted the picture in my mind and I watched it all happen. I think my facial expressions might have changed as I read, too. I didn’t notice that until people started passing by (I’m at work right now). I think I’ve found that I’m very interested in war stories/movies. I always imagine myself in their shoes and wonder what it would be like to know you could get killed at any moment.

Yes, I am a fan of art. An artist my self. But deff. not a fan of war. I can’t handle the stories, the media ..none of it. I put to much value on life, on other peoples lives, weather they are shooting at me or not…I don’t think they deserve to die. No one deserves to die like that. Call it what you want..Im patriotic ..but war is ridiculous, and is not the only way! -Aguilera