The Quiet Dissertation of a Madman

Calling to those that have met misfortune, I find myself at a loss for words. I have a definite bind of thought on the subject of life and I wish to discard it straight away. Yet, to do so would require some degree of education, or at least a right of way. I myself have never been very talented at expression; I mainly deal in extraction. It is my single aspiration to simply distract life’s gaze. So I often find myself at a cross in the road, at a turn, or a fork. And it is there, at these findings, these positions, that I face the unfaceable so to speak. Yes, that would be dementia is a crystal latch that finds itself encased around the boundary to my heart. So it is that I am, and here is where I take my stand and my leave. I cry to the shadows and darkness does not apply, for only the light can hear the screams of the fallen. Yet, it is the very duty of the light to ignore the disturbance. Sadly, I must face this fact.

A holy, besmirching remark is that which resides within my speak. I find that I am not one of them, one of those, or even a part of me. I cannot describe myself in the tangible or the infinite. I can only bow to the unknown and the indecipherable connection that creates life out of no life. Again, my thoughts go undeveloped, for there is no way to accept ignorance. For to unveil the thing and understand it, would be to erase it entirely. How it is that I have even come this far eludes even my presence. Yet, that evolution of thought has still provided its services in my name. And so I do not deny it, but welcome its beauty. Although, try as I may to grasp the power, there are certain currents that no man can ever grab hold.

Thus is the way of ‘I am.’ So, speaking as one something to another, I must grant serenity to the masses of hallowed individuals. Those men and women that do not have existence, or a reason, or a name. Those we call ‘the we’ and those we call ‘ourselves.’ A duty has arisen and I have found the unlikely plight to lead. A striking distance has befallen my gate, and I am forever in a state of taut calamity. I have said goodbye to that which is normality, and have turned away from tomorrow’s door. The task, for me, is done. Yet, the coming, for me, has yet to climax. And so I stand to look at the population, and so I stand to judge. I have formally deduced the way, and, regretfully, know the secret of the failure. That is to say, I know the undeserved.

Never has it occurred to another to lead. It has only befallen them. And so, I say this to all of you, before I begin, and before I end: know me. Know me; for I am you and you are I. Know me; for I come to you to know you. Know me; for you come to me to know me. Know me; for it is within myself that you may lie. Know me; for death will come shortly. Know me; for life will follow suit. Know me; for the good of it all. Know me; for the sake of the none. Know me; for the passing of the tide. Know me; for the rise. Know me; for the fall. Know me; for I beg this of you.

Do not torment yourself with the why. Ask only that which you know the answer to. Assume only that which is fact. Deny only that which is far from the truth. Confirm only that which is. I come not to disrupt, that is not my way. Unfortunately, disruption, like death, is of the inevitably consuming. To morph the solidarity of what was once the flow, I must do that which is uncommon. I must find the solution within your hearts. Yet, you will not understand. Mark this. Mark this, for it is true. You will not understand. In time, when the passing of it all is but a morrow, you can view it as a faded respect. Then, and only then, can the taint of regret be forever hesitant. Then, and only then, can the misunderstood be revealed. I say this to you all, with deepest regards, and most humble respects.

Here it is that I leave you, and begin. Now is the time to think: to stop the wish and the plea for hope. Now is the time to thank, before it has become of late. Thank before you hate, and the hate will go undone. Hatred is but a miser that creeps along the gully awaiting his chance at entanglement. Before he is freed, thank the stars. A heaven is a bright one this day, and it shines for those to come. I am but the messenger. That is all. I see no more within than I do without. I can only hope to justify the unending. This will be done by its other. To find ‘the other,’ you must first discover ‘the it.’ ‘The it’ is, ‘the other’ is not. So I will make ‘the is’ into ‘the not.’


I do not prefer the term murderer. That is not what I do. I am but a messenger. If that entails the taking of a life, then so be it. I can not choose my path; I have not been so lucky. Do not judge lest I judge you. Look to the in to see why I come. Perhaps then you shall at least feel gratified. Yet, as I said before, you will not understand. Sadly, that is to be my way. I must work without such a luxury. Simply remember, when the time comes, and the clouds have evaded the skies, you will know. And then, I will be but a pawn in the intricate way. You will see, yes, but you will not understand.

A guy

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pleaing for hope will do us no good;we must take action, i suppose,i think i see your poignancy behind your wordsmaybe i can read you through your words…ryn;we invite the horrors that await us because simply, humankind is so disgustingly curious.dealing with what we have is such a hard thing to realize we must do, for the grass always seems greener on the other sidem

Being sick sux.. I’ve been sick for like the past week but now it seems like it’s getting worse and I don’t like it I want it to go away b/c I CAN’T do anything.. *cries* It’s not fair.. Well i’ll talk to ya later… Luvums

You are magical.

the last entry you noted “tongue in cheek” is actually an import from the diary that I can’t get back into. That one is more about my life, it’s sign in is catastrophewaitress, should you care to read it. I have really been enjoying your notes lately.. do continue.

This diary entry sounds like a standstill in life where one is forced to look around and compare their own life to even strangers. Some one who is destined for a certain purpose …(by whom…im not sure), but never the less must continue on with what must be done and yet yearning for acceptence in what they do from others. wishing for understanding in just one soul…not judgement.

I might be mistaken…but that is what i got from it. Anyways…beautifully done…made me think alot.

come home.

May 9, 2004

oh dear lord I can see this monologue playing in a black and white movie plagued with moments of red. very Tarantino. dig it.

May 9, 2004

The questions, their answers, the philosophy of it all has no meaning or importance anymore when you’re in love. That’s all that life is, that’s all you need to fulfill you, and everything is perfect. At least, that’s the fortune that’s found me…I’m wishing some of it on to you. Be loved,

May 10, 2004

wondeful. Had it’s confusing parts but i supose it takes a confusing person to keep track of the confusing parts which i do believe i did a decent job with. Lovely ending as well. Love the view of a so called murderer. They’re always interesting. ah im so done. and I’ve got stuff to get caugh up on. time time. for the love of zeus…then again how much love does the man need?! gesh.

Hey who is this? its blooooop987

oh there goes the smiling thing. Even if i didnt talk to you online, i would still smile everyday for the things you write.

ahh yes.. the little mermaid (responding to your note) a true conspiracy.. I wonder, when she came out of the water she was a human, so maybe she spoke english.. unless the transformation into a human allowed her to speak english fluently.. but then at the end, she’s a mermaid and she’s talking to him while they are fighting Ursula.. so I think they both knew english heh.. I have way too much time

Hey, guess what? I’ve gotten the internet back, so we can talk now! yayz

my im is ODEODIE16

I just read your entry and now I feel my other notes were dumb.I’m I have to say, is that-you’re right.We will not understand.but that is the point.Not understanding.That is the point of living, so in the end- we WILL understand.You-however-seem to have a certain enlightenment.You make me green with envy.There is much more to say, but I leave YOU with this-do not underestimate yorself

Keep your chin up until we speak again..