She is Beautiful

She works at The Bagel Shop. She wears a loosely tight red shirt, tucked into her black casual slacks. Her shirt reads, “The Bagel Shop.” She wears her long, golden, brown hair in a ponytail. Sometimes she wears a visor. Her face is compact, and strikingly pretty. She has those eyes that allude. She has those eyes that spark curiosity. You know the ones that curve in just the right way. Her lips convex more than most. They’re a deeper shade of red. They have the ability to form multiple variations of smiles. The happy smile. The content smile. The lovely smile. All of them. Her cheeks seem to have a faint rosy tint, like all of those classic Hollywood beauties, that is absolutely exquisite. She’s tan, but not. You know, a kind of natural look. She releases a glow. She is slender, and perfect. She is somewhat short, but not too short. She is the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. He loves her.

But they have never met. Well they have, but not formally. He goes into The Bagel Shop everyday. He likes bagels, but not as much as one would assume. He likes her far more. He wonders what her name could be. He wonders where she might go to school. He wonders what her favorite color is. He wonders how someone he has never met could be so interesting. When he sees her, he smiles. This is not just any smile though; this is the smile. The smile that tells everything. The smile that alludes. The smile that knows. He gives her that smile everyday. And everyday she gives it right back.

He is not an outgoing person. He does not know how to approach girls, especially pretty ones, and especially beautiful ones. He much prefers to dream and hope. If he talks to her he might be disappointed. He would risk losing his love. But how could he love this girl that he didn’t know? He wonders constantly.

He has a life. He has friends. He has family. He has normality. But she exists outside of all this. She’s his escape. She’s so wonderfully her. He sees her scratch her ear. He knows that means she’s tired. She’s fidgeting because she wants to go on break. That big guy who bakes the bagels won’t let her again. The big guy always screws her out of her break. If he were her boyfriend he’d say something. He’d stand up for her. But she wouldn’t like that. She’s independent. She’d tell him to stop. But she’d smile and so would he. Just as they were doing now. She is so wonderful.

“Hi, can I help you?” That beautiful flowing voice. It’s distinct, her own, lovely in a particularly exciting way. “Turkey club on a plain bagel.” Smiling he orders the same thing again. “Toasted as usual?” She smiles at this. She knows him. “Yup.” He’s smiling too. They both know. How wonderful it all is.

He walks in. She’s not there. Where is she? He asks. “She quit.” The big guy responds in a surly tone. She quit. But how could she quit? What would he do? He moves away from the counter and sits down in a booth. He sits there for a while. He looks distant. And then he gets up and leaves.

He doesn’t go back for a long time. He doesn’t like to go there anymore. But then, one day, he decides he wants a bagel. There’s some new girl working there now. She’s not special. She’s not his. He orders and she doesn’t toast his sandwich. She would have toasted it. He goes to pay. He takes his “to-go” bag and goes to leave. “Hey, you, hold on a sec!” The big guy is calling him. Why would the big guy be calling him? “Sarah’s been looking for you.” Sarah. Who was Sarah? “She comes in here all the time. She says you used to come in here at three or something. Says she wants to talk. She should be here… she usually is.” He stops at this. He almost drops his “to-go” bag. The bag doesn’t seem too important. He sits down and stares at the door.

She walks in. She’s wearing a blue V-neck T-shirt. Her belly button is barely exposed. Her slender physique is accented beautifully. Her jeans are tight, but not too tight. They are that dirty color. Her shoes are hidden under the flared bottoms. She looks at him and he looks at her. She smiles. It’s the best one. It’s the smile. The smile that tells everything. The smile that alludes. The smile that knows.

A guy

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April 20, 2004

simply lovely.

that was the most beautiful thing i’ve ever read in an o.d.. i am almost in tears.. thank you for sharing..

April 20, 2004

*sigh* thank you. thank you so much. (smiles though saddened tears) xxx

April 20, 2004

bugger… meant to be THROUGH not ‘though’. not much goes right for me does it? 🙂 sorry for ruining the moment!

April 20, 2004

sometimes success mocks what we really want. And I don’t even know what that is. Take care lovely. You intrigue me.

sounds like what i would do. just stare wonderfully at someone. and my kind words are just the truth. but dont worry about the ogre thing, i mean, Look at shrek! hes got it made. haha

aww that was soo sweet…thanks for the note

You already know how I feel about this one ;P

That was great. It put a smile on my face. I love your stories! And, reading your other notes, I guess I know now that I’m not the only one who finds you intriguing. ~ Becky

Oh, and I’m not as strong as you think I am. Deep inside I’m little more than a scared child trying to wake up from this nightmare. But things will get better soon, they always do…

April 21, 2004

wonderful. makes me think about a few

I think you have a knack for knowing JUST what to say to make a girl sigh…

April 21, 2004

…You have this uncanny way of making complex ideas and emotions seem like they are the epitome of simple. Everything you write holds this almost youthful notion of pure innocence…again, it’s very refreshing…coming and reading things here calms my day down. (ryn: Thanks for your insight…it’s been helpful.)