Mother’s Day

On Mother’s day I am forced to think of my mom. For that, I will never forgive Hallmark. I can not think of a better day to feel sorry for myself. Yet, it seems that this same day brings out a refusal in most people to distribute sympathy. Sadly, I am not among those subject to the latter.

Mom and I got along splendidly. I did her hair and she did mine. I cried on her shoulder and she listened well. I was her daughter and she was my mother. We were very average in most respects. What’s important, though, is how much I loved her. I loved her more than I can say. I loved her more than she ever knew. I loved my mom.

I got the abortion when I was sixteen. I couldn’t tell my mom, nor did I want to. I was drugged at a party and wound up pregnant. I took a test with a friend. I went to a community clinic. I didn’t see much of a choice. Although I sometimes wonder if I should have, but that doesn’t matter anymore. What does matter is that I got the abortion, and I did not tell my mom.

I never did drugs until after I had the abortion, of this I promise. I only began them to forget. I started on weed and soon I was gone. I moved on quickly. One high, it seemed, led to the next. I simply kept outgrowing the new drug. I couldn’t help it. I kept thinking about my mom and my baby. I kept wondering. So, in order to put a stop to such nonsense, I blurred my life away. And it worked for a while.

When I ODed my mom found out about the drugs. I should have known; it was simply a matter of time. She had been suspicious anyway. She would always ask where I was going and why I would always look so down. She knew, but she was too nice to admit it. I just wished she would hate me; it would’ve been so much easier if she just hated me. But, no, she kept on loving me as much as she could. So, that night, she came to the hospital to pick me up. She promised me then that she would get me help. She promised that she’d never stop loving me.

This is the note I left:

I’m gone. Don’t try and find me. I don’t care about you and I don’t care about me. Just forget about me and fuck off.

The only reason I went back home was because I had run out of money. Six months had passed since I left. I hadn’t sent any word at all. At this point, my appearance left something to be desired. My grizzled features did not represent those of a teenage girl. My eyes were dark and lined with black and blue. My cheeks were webbed with veins, and my hair was scarce and clumped with grease and sweat. A long scar defaced my forehead, and recently applied stitches to my chin were growing with infection by the day. I showed up to the door as an addict, not my mother’s daughter.

She opened the door and fell to her knees in tears. I had hoped for anger or regret. But she had been smiling. She had been happy to see me. I couldn’t believe it. All I had wanted was for her to have hated me to the degree that I did. So I told her I had an abortion.

I didn’t stick around to see her reaction. I wasn’t sure where I would end up but I knew it would somehow work out. I met some guy on the subway, he said he had a place so I went with him. He let me stay in exchange for sex; I was happy to oblige. I hated my body. He must’ve liked it though. So that was my home for a long, long time.

The guy came in one day with a newspaper. He asked me if I had had a relative named Charlotte. I shook my head yes, and said that Charlotte was the name that belonged to my mother. He looked down for a moment and then cocked his head back up without emotion. When he spoke, his voice was distinctly unfeeling. “Not anymore.”


I don’t like Mother’s Day. It isn’t a fair reminder. It’s a day of consumption. People seem to forget what a day can do. People seem to forget that some people don’t have mothers anymore. People seem to forget how difficult that can be. I hate this day.

A guy

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May 19, 2004

oh my god!!! thats f*cking depressing shit!!!! any wayz…. i dont get this! i thought you were a guy….so how are you writing from a girls prospective? i just dont get it but nice story anyway! it made me cry!

excuse me if i think the person who wrote the note above is ignorant. but lovely story.

wow! that was so sad..Her sad life of not being able to be open with her mom and then the drugs and then her baby..and losing her mom…It was a depressing story but very good just the same…and i for one knows how sad mothers day can be…

chilling… i loved reading every word.

May 19, 2004

well hm. wonder what im gonna say.. wonderful as always. Kyoitiun of course. And thank you as well.

BRAT! You’re supposed to be studying philosophy, not messing around on opendiary! You know what this means, don’t you? tsktsk Anyway, it’s a lovely story but, I don’t think that people refuse to give sympathy on that day, I think they just don’t know HOW to approach the whole situation. What did I say to you when I called that day? A whole lot of nothing, boring nothingness too. “the end”

hey baby… thank you for your note.. and yes.. i’m always pc.. ha.. i know how much this subject means to you.. this is one of those moments when i wish i could just hold you.. i would place my hands on your cheeks and kiss you so softly.. and tell you that i’m here for you.. and i care about you.. i miss you paul..

PS- AIR HUGS!! remember those? You best not say no biatch…

PPS- Sorry, I’m bitchy and sick today. Good lock on your final tonight!

*luck, not lock. I’m done for real this time

OR NOT. Kathryn just told me the password for this acct–created so I could read your diary if you ever make it OD only again. So here it is, named after her hair straightener…that’s all.

You’ve hurt my feelings and have made me sad….. 🙁 Please respond to me…. tink

mother’s day is a hint to show your mother that uyo appreciate them,but what if you don’t?i think you are a very good writerespecially, i’m impressed, at your writing from a girls’ prospective.nicely donethnak you for your notesthey always make me think, but leave me with no answersdo you have msn?morgan xxx;

May 19, 2004

I love that you are not gender specific in your writing. beautiful peace. strong and true.

“Not anymore” . . . sheesh, if I were more of a violent person, I’d punch that guy or something. Good story. And, sorry that you had to go through Mother’s Day without your mom. That must have been incredibly difficult. 🙁

Just makes me want to cry…

May 20, 2004

Heh, didn’t we all start out so naive and innocent…only to be forced into worldliness and roughened by real life. The classic example of not realizing what it is you have until it’s no longer there. I’m sorry from the very depths of my heart for such holidays which carry such painful reminders. I can’t say I know what it’s like, but I can honestly say I care. Peace, and of course, Love,

May 21, 2004

i just read this entry, so im a little late… but I can relate in the sense that im the mother, and my mom is the daughter… i too hate mothers day, it’s just another reminder that nobody cares about me. wow i sound depressed. goodbye now.

i haven’t read in a few days, been away. the missunderstood child is annoyed me, but your story was great. as usual.