Keep ’em Guessing

It will come as no surprise that I havent written, well, anything in a long time. I would say that the reason is because I haven’t been writing, but that isn’t true, and, why should I lie?

I guess the reason is becasue I have been writing different things. When I write, I write for reasons. Sometimes I write for an audience- sometimes I’ll go months where I simply write for an audience and an audience only. At times like that I’ll create an account at a diary site, one like this for instance, and just write. Story after story. Day after day. It actually becomes quite strenuous.

And then I’ll stop. No real reason. I can’t even define it. I never know when I’ll decide to. I just do. And usually I abandon the spot entirely. But, for whatever reason, I’ve grown pretty fond of this place, of these people.

I try not to see anything I’ve written as having come from me, or, then, I would feel off about liking them too much. I like to maintain a certain degree of modesty; although, by even saying that I’ve contradicted the meaning. I love the characters is what I mean. I see them beyond what is written. I see their pasts and futures. And I like to come here and see them again and again.

So maybe I should post something else, or maybe I should abandon as per usual. I don’t know anymore. These things have become far too complicated to measure. I imagine this all sounds pretty confusing. I imagine this entry seems to have no grander point. I imagine you’re asking yourself, that is if you’re still reading, “Why isn’t this a story?” The answer is becasue I’m conflicted, and confused to boot. It happens every once and a while. So I post one of these. And work it out.

I’ve made certain stories unavailable as of late, that is, unless you’re a favorite. It came to my attention that people had been citing them as their own. I don’t care about calling them forward and making examples. But I do care about what I write and, more importantly, why. And taking that from me is not something I appreciate. So I’ve been forced to copyright, or “officialize” as I like to say, most everything here. I’m not proud that I had to do it, but I did. This isn’t an accusatory post, or an unhappy one. It’s more matter of fact, a report. Sorry if it’s boring.

I may post tomorrow. I may post a section of my new, longer story. I may post a conversation between two people at the “Judging Spot.” I may post an unholy attack. Or I may wait another month and post something like this again.

A great man once said, “Keep ’em guessing.”

I try, bub. I try.

A guy

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a post is a post at least you’re no longer a ghost. (sorry….supreme daggy moment there) xxx

December 13, 2004

^ that was me sorry… somehow wasn’t signed in

December 14, 2004

w00t. >> <> anyness works. :3

Please don’t go! OpenDiary’s lost too many writers already! It’s because of the hackers, but hey, LiveJournal and GreatestJournal aren’t invincible either. Please? If nothing else, Shangri-la’s materializing very nicely. ~

add me to your favorites? -mo ps-this is my lj name…the end.