In Love

Her husband was away on another trip. His name was Larry. He was off doing some kind of work in some far off place in some exotic time zone where he was never awake to call. Her husband was a businessman, and lived his life as such. There were no cutting corners with Larry. It was all very straight forward as a matter of fact.

Susan was a housewife. She woke up every morning at nine thirty. She would shower and prepare herself in just under an hour, leaving plenty of time to catch her favorite soaps. After that she would do several hours of housework. She would make the bed, clean the bathroom, vacuum, and other similar chores. Then she would spend an hour or so on the phone, catching up on all of the latest town gossip. She always wanted to know why Harold was late to supper again, and why Maude was never satisfied. This would all get done in time for her to start dinner. Every night she cooked a very nice meal for Larry. And on some rare evenings, he would actually be there to eat it.


One cold, December morning Larry Granger had gone into First National, a small bank on the edge of a small town, to deposit his most recent paycheck. The sleet had been especially thick that morning, so he had been bundled up very tightly. He appeared as a large mess of puffy jackets. He had walked up to the teller like this. She was a small, fragile looking woman, who had a miniscule pin on her chest that read, “Trainee.” He attempted to describe the transaction through the multiple scarves hanging from his neck, but the woman could only make out a muffled noise. Suddenly the two began to laugh as they realized how ridiculous the situation had been. Finally, Larry removed his scarves and hats, revealing an attractive, young man. The woman blushed as she introduced herself as Susan James. Then they each exchanged a meaningful smile.

The summer had just set in as Larry arrived home from his most recent business venture. He smiled, as the deal had gone through remarkably well. He began whistling as he unlocked the door and broke his tune only to call to his wife that he was home. She ran into the living room to greet him, giving him a pleasant peck on the lips. He smiled a weary smile as he told her that the deal was over. She smiled too and told him that they were having roast chicken for dinner, one of his favorites. Then Larry stopped smiling as his brow furrowed and his lined cheekbones became apparent. He simply had other engagements for dinner. The deal was over but there was still much work to be done. Now he had to begin his next arduous task. He had only stopped in to pick up some documents and to change his clothes. She faltered as she gathered her thoughts, frowning for a moment or two, but then cheerfully accepted her husband’s duties. The two kissed again and then Larry was on his way.


Susan wept for hours as she wondered about her husband’s life, which was indeed not her own. She had always dreamed of marrying a man who loved her and she was sure she had. Yet, clearly this could not have been love. Why was he always away? Was it because of her? Perhaps, there was another woman. All night she feared and feared and feared. Eventually she passed out from fatigue. Yet, she arose promptly at nine thirty the next morning, as always, to begin her day.


Susan was a housewife. Larry was a businessman. And they treated one another as such.

A guy

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April 25, 2004

I was in that routine once upon a time. Not that I was a ‘wife’, but I did the duties. And he was never home, nor did he stay home when he did show up. This one brought back old memories. Ones I thought were gone. It was still good! You are great!

Great story!!!

lol, I’m always finding myself feeling sorry for your characters. “Poor Susan” is what I was about to begin this with. Then I realized it wouldn’t be the first time I began a note with “poor”. I think I began with “good story” or “great story” alot, too. One day I should start my note with something random and unrelated, like, “Never trust a monkey with an umbrella.” Oh, wow, I need some sleep.

Really makes ya think… I hate how so much is put into one single thing like a job. It’s ridiculous. It ruins everything, depletes respect. Nice story, though, as always. 🙂

ah yes, every woman’s nightmare. i would never live through that.

^?! i dont know why it didnt leave my name. Dumb OD. but that was from me (.poetic.injustice)

Why do you write stories such as these with no porpose? No result? No ending? This, is why you have my curiosity piqued. I find you strange and wonderful. The end.

i write short stories about the darker things in life, human nature, etcetera, but mine aren’t as well-written. i tip my glass to you.

April 26, 2004

i think every relationship goes thrrough dark times and it doesnt mean the two dont love eachother any less, its more of a something they are battling by themselves. people make mistakes, people live in the moment, and people hurt because of this. it doesnt make one a bad person, i just think it teaches one to forgive… the hardest thing to ever do.

April 26, 2004

Lets start another club, one for people who dont want to be in marriages like this. Your stories are always so real. They make me feel as though Ive just read about someone’s actual life. Thats no small task. Excellent yet again.

April 26, 2004

This makes me laugh through my tears. I laugh with relief that I’m not in this situation, and it makes me cry to know that that is the norm for my family. I cry to remind myself of what to avoid. I love your writing, you really inspire me. Thank you for taking your time to write so that others can enjoy something that makes them think.

well you have many notes, so mine wont matter much. anywho, you left me a note, and i like the way you write. you are interesting and one of a kind i must say. i like you, you are swell.

April 26, 2004

you give me strength and courage. I love your words. And I thank-you for the wonderful beautiful notes. I would love to know your story. If you wish to share. I am open to you and all that you are. much love xxxx