After Done

I’ve read many comments now, and have thought alot about what alot of you said. And several people brought up a pretty decent point, and I realized that my "Done" may have leased a slightly different persective than I would have liked to send.
I write, primarily, to release the emotion and observations that I myself take away from the world and my own life. And in doing so, I enter in to a kind of communication. For that is all any of this is: life and so forth. It’s all a kind of commication, a way of figuring out how to say what to whom and in which way. And that is why I think it’s such a beautiful thing, it being all of this; everything.
So, yes, I write for others and I write for myself. Just as I would like to communicate something to someone else, it is also important to communicate with myself and learn just who it is I am, and who it is I’m growing to be. The writing process is complex and cannot be summed up in a single sentence, explination, answer, thought, moment, etc. There really isn’t a way of saying how, what, why. And that’s all I can say without overstepping my own knowledge- something I try to avoid.
I decided to stop posting here not because I was bitter or upset, nothing like that. I didn’t stop because of some kind of attention gap. It was more, well, time to stop I suppose. I write for others and I write for myself and I write for both. And in every case it is something special and unique, as is all writings and all art and all communication and all the people that take part in even the smallest way.
I may be done with this particular page, but that is merely to start a new. Sometimes a blank canvas can produce the most saturation.


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I’m highly confused. ~

July 30, 2005

fwah. And curses. Always enjoyed reading your things. :3

August 11, 2005
March 11, 2006

ok im confused….and where may i ask are you? its like you and tink both disappear for freaking ever and when you come back its like nothing ever happened! god i wish everybody would stop disappearing on me!!! talk to you later…~*~hoku~*~

April 8, 2006

Mocking my very own self expression, are you?Thanks, I suppose.