New to this…

Hello! I am new to this whole online journaling. I start writing with paper and pen but then get bored with it and throw it away. So I guess we will see how long this lasts. I suffer from mental illness issues and so do my 2 daughters. Sometimes I feel like I have so much going on in my mind that if I don’t get it out I’m going to explode. Sure I have my mom I can talk to about things but I don’t feel like she understands some of the things I am feeling. She normally says something like “Just think happy thoughts”. Why do people say that to people who have mental health issues? I never knew how many people suffer from mental health until I had to find a therapist to go to and it took months to get in.

Well, today was an okay day for me, didn’t sleep well last night actually, I haven’t been sleeping well. I mean I have been off of work for a little over a month. I had surgery a month ago. I had a cyst on my liver the doctor was worried that it was cancer but it turned out it was not but he still went ahead and took 10% of my liver anyway. I also had an inflamed gallbladder with a few small stones, and I had a hernia. So he just went in and took it all out. But on Monday I start back to work.

Well i guess i am going to end for now. Have a good day or night everyone

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