Holy Crap

Seriously? I haven’t posted anything since JANUARY?!?! What is wrong with me?

I totally suck.

Here’s a quick bulleted run down of things:

* Julia got the Social Security Money from my Dad – I can’t remember if I told anyone that or not. Yup. So. She’s paying her car payment and for school stuff and it’s glorious not to have to scrape together money so that she can drive to school, etc.
* Our sister Teresa announced she was preggers in January and gave birth on the 15th of August to a healthy baby boy named Ethan Scott. He’s the most precious thing ever. If you follow me on Facebook, you’ve seen pictures. He really is just too cute for words.
* Uh. My wedding is in two months. I have nothing done. Seriously. I just bought my dress. I guess I hadn’t really planned because I kept paring it down. In the end I really only wanted my sisters and their significant others and Adam’s fam and their significant others and our best friends. But now it’s bigger and I’m… stressing unbelievably. I really, SERIOUSLY am contemplating running away.

Summer Reading is now over. For a few brief weeks I had blue hair. (I asked the teens to read 100,000 pages and with TONS of cheating on my part, they succeeded.) It was awesome. And then it turned green. And was not awesome.

So, am now a redhead. It is awesome. I love it. I keep staring at myself in the mirror.

Soooooo, yeah.

That’s about it.

I know. Not very exciting. That’s why I haven’t been here much.

I’d say that I’m going to try to be better about posting, but I suck.

I still read. Don’t ever doubt that. *hugs all around* I just never have much to say about my own life anymore.

I hope you’re all doing well! I miss you guys! I dreamed about you all last night. 🙂 Figured it was time to come and update. 🙂


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August 25, 2009

I say that is exciting! Especially about the pending wedding! that’s awesome!!!!

August 25, 2009

Congrats on the wedding! Now you know why I wanna elope :-p

August 26, 2009

I loooove you! I so wish I could be there for your wedding… damn ocean! And good news about Julia too.

September 5, 2009

RYN: the only reason I hadn’t eaten was a lack of funds. I have now though. And I hadn’t had anything to drink cos I hadn’t been thirsty enough that day. No wasting away for me. And if you do go to Scotland I’d have to travel to sing kareoke with you. Which I would totally be willing to do.