Christmas Surveyery

Snorked from WilliamtheBloody

The Ultimate 25-Question Christmas Survey

What’s your favorite….

1. Christmas song?

Little Drummer Boy/Peace on Earth – Bing Crosby and David Bowie

2. Christmas movie? Probably Elf. I get so stupidly excited whenever I talk about that movie… I also get stupidly excited when I see it coming on the television even though I own the DVD.

3. Christmas cartoon/TV special? A Charlie Brown Christmas

4. Christmas food? My grandmother’s raspberry trifle!! They’re coming to visit us this weekend and we are cooking but I really really really hope my Granny brings me a trifle!!

5. Christmas decoration? Kermit the Frog. I never imagined that Kermit would make a good Christmas decoration but he looks unbelievably cute about to jump out of my Christmas tree. I should take pictures and upload them so you can see him!

6. Family Christmas tradition? It used to be everyone getting together on Christmas morning to open presents but… that’s really become something I dread since my Mom passed away. Just… being with my sisters on Christmas makes me happy.

7. Lights: prefer white or multi-colored? MULTI! And if they blink that’s even fantabulouser! (It is SO a word!)

8. Wrapping: prefer wrapping paper or gift bags? I. LOVE. Love. lovE. to wrap presents!!

9. Tree: artificial or live? Oh, I love a real live Christmas tree, but I love my little itty bitty artificial tree too!

10. Dinner: turkey or ham? OH TURKEY! TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY!

11. Egg nog: delicious or disgusting? DISGUSTING!

12. Inflatable yard-size glowing snow globes: cute or tacky? Tacky unless they feature one of the Peanuts Gang.

13. What’s the best Christmas present you ever received? Adam has a tendency to get me things autographed by Neil Gaiman. I love those SO MUCH it makes me a little lightheaded sometimes.

14. What’s the worst Christmas present you ever received? My MOm… for some strange reason, bought me a pair of footie pajamas ages ago that were pink and had little sheep all over them with the words “Time for Sleep” written above them. They were HIDEOUS.

15. When did you learn “the truth about Santa?” I was probably eight or nine. Saw something I asked for up in my parent’s closet.

16. Gift cards: Do you think they’re tacky and impersonal, or a brilliant way to make sure someone gets what they really want? I like gift cards a lot. I have such a hard time figuring out what people want and I know I’m probably hard to buy for as well.

17. Have you ever returned a Christmas gift? A jacket that was too small and ugly as sin.

18. Have you ever re-gifted a Christmas gift? Not that I can recall.

19. Do you write a Christmas list, or do you prefer to be surprised? I haven’t made out a Christmas list since… I can’t remember when!

20. Who’s your easiest person to shop for at Christmas? It used to be Julia. I think right now it has to be Devin.

21. Who’s your most difficult person to shop for at Christmas? Julia has been so difficult this year.

22. What’s the best thing about Christmas? Being with my sisters and Adam and Devin.

23. What’s the worst thing about Christmas? Trying not to go broke.

24. List some more of your treasured traditions. Watching Rudolph and A Charlie Brown Christmas. Drinking hot cocoa while curled up on Christmas Eve waiting to go to bed.

25. On a scale of 1-10, rate your current “Christmas spirit” levels (where 10 is “Fa la la la la”, 5 is “sorta Christmasy” and 1 is “Mr. Grinch”)

Um. Maybe a 5?

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December 15, 2008

Elf is pretty funny! Would you like to wrap MY presents? i hate wrapping! you know what’s cute? You… so cute!

December 15, 2008

I miss you writing regularly.

December 16, 2008

See, everyone else doing this mentions the charlie Brown special. And I’ve never seen it :¬( Might see if I can download it. And I agree with Karmy. Write more, damnit!