OMG, I found one!
I found a survey!! A quarantine survey at that! (I am realizing that not many people post these as often as that did back when I was a tweenybopper)
Here we go!
Are you an essential worker?
How many drinks have you had since this began?
ummm, I lost count
If you have kids, are they driving you nuts yet?
My fur babies have their nutty moments
What new hobby have you taken up since quarantine?
I got an electric keyboard for an early bday present, so that will be happening
How many grocery runs have you done?
What are you spending stimulus money on?
Home repairs, since my house flooded the day I got the check. HA
Do you have any special occasions you will miss while in quarantine?
A sweet friend’s wedding
If a burglar breaks into your house are you prepared to suppress them?
Um, yes
What movie have you watched during quarantine?
Little Women & Trolls 2
What are you currently streaming?
How I Met Your Mother
Nine months from now is there any chance of having a baby?
Anything is possible
What is your go-to quarantine meal?
No go-to meal really, just lots and LOTS of snacks
Is this whole situation making you paranoid?
It’s making me anxious
Has your internet gone out during this time?
Like once every couple of hours
What month do you predict this will all end?
Hard telling to be honest
First thing you will do when you get out quarantine?
Go on a hot date with my hubby
Where do you wish you were right now?
Here is good
What free-from-quarantine activity do you miss most right now?
Meeting friends at a local restaurant to eat, drink and listen to live music
Have you run out of toilet paper or hand sanitizer at all?
Not yet
Do you have enough food to last a month?
We could try to stretch it out
Are you having more or less sex during quarantine?
No more, no less
Are you keeping some sort of journal or scrapbook of what’s going on?
Not about what’s going on, but I started writing on here again!
Have you donated to any charities, or otherwise done something to help/give back?
I have not donated to any charities, but I do go to work everyday at a medical clinic, so I guess I’m helping someone.
Are you participating in any virtual/distanced social events?
I am not, but if I hear about any that sound exciting, I am all in! (Let me in on these secret kept events people lol)