Let’s get real
Theme of the week: What are you enjoying about having less contact with people?
Well, I’m not having too much less contact with people that I was before other than public surroundings. My husband and I are both homebodies so it’s like we were made to be quarantined, but it is difficult when you are not allowed to go get social when you actually want to. Sure we hang out with other people sometimes, but it’s usually just the two of us enjoying each others company in a public setting or at home. Now that I am not supposed to go see my friends and family, I really want to. And I think that makes me realize that I need to more often and enjoy as much as I possibly can.
Don’t get me wrong, I love hanging at home with my husband, but I am missing the outside world. The fact that we don’t have separate spaces to escape to in our house (since his “man cave” flooded and has yet to be fixed) has got me a bit anxious. Yeah, yeah I said we like to be t-o-g-e-t-h-e-r, but space is good too! Especially when he is in a video game mood and I just want to listen to music and clean or watch a dumb show he wouldn’t want to watch. You may think this is all possible to do still, and it is, but it isn’t the same as what we are used to and it’s throwing me off.
You don’t know this yet, but I have bad anxiety. Like the kind that cripples me for no reason when something is off. It’s quite inconvenient and I hope to conquer it one day by knowing every emotion my body is feeling and why, but that’s for another day to discuss.
SO what am I enjoying about having less contact? Um I don’t think I’m enjoying it as much as I thought I would. That’s the short version.
Well, here in Russia we are under lockdown, too, but, you know, rules are made to be broken lol… Technically, we are not allowed to go out for walks but we do it furtively, at night. Being stuck within four walls all the time we’d have lost our marbles long ago.
@imfromrussia, oh gosh yeah get out and take those walks!! haha I would go nuts too if that were the case. Honestly this medium level stay at home order is not even working that well. People are out and breaking the rules anyways
@consuelaphalange people are not supposed to be locked inside, we are not in prison. These rules are stupid.
@imfromrussia agree!!! And today is Earth Day…so that requires everyone to enjoy Mother Nature haha out we go
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