
School tomorrow.

Superbowl Sunday was a great day for me. A day I needed after this week. I spent it with some of my favorite people: Jay, Katie, Mike and Jaine (I think that’s how they’re spelling the name). I did my guy duty and watched football and had lots of fun doing it.

And then there’s simply Jaine, Jay’s daughter. She’s the most important thing in my life right now I’d probably have to say. I’d possibly even say she’s the most important girl to ever be a part of my life (which may be pathetic, but at the same time true). To her I’m Uncle David… though she pronounces it more like “Uggle.” And hell, I might as well be a true uncle, cause I love that little girl as much as any uncle has loved a niece I believe. She’s really one of the few positive aspects of my life right now, if not the only. I just hope that, despite my uncertainty, I can be all I can be for her, and help Jay and Katie in raising her as much as they’d need me to. That she will grow and I appreciate that I’m a part of her life as well.

I hope she’ll always call me Uncle David… or even Uggle David would be fine.

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February 2, 2004

how cute, you need to get married and have kids of ur own. lol 🙂 yeah school started and its boring as usually. i hate the first day when everyone has to get to know everyone in every class. “lets stand up and say something about ourselves”…aaaa how about not! well later, off to another class.

February 2, 2004

I think it’s really important to have someone that looks up to us, because it makes us that much more aware of ourself and our actions. So I hope things continue to be most excellent for you (both). Stay safe.

February 2, 2004

is this hope confined to jaine alone?

February 2, 2004

RYN: Well it’s suppose to be fun too, but there is no where in southern california were you can really go to get alone unless you went far away.

February 2, 2004

aww that’s so sweet. I’m glad you had a good sunday :o) I’m glad you wrote an entry. I’ll see ya around. *hugs*

February 3, 2004

aww : )

February 7, 2004

well I’d be glad that guys don’t hit on you…especially married men. hehe take care *hugs*

you’re an absolute darling! I know how you feel too, I spent the day with my 2 yr old nephew and my 2 week old niece and I swear, I never knew such little beings could mean so much to me, could provide so much beauty and inspiration. When I hold my niece I want to stay like that forever and there’s nothing I would not do to protect her. I’m glad you feel this way.

it’s so strange to learn so much about yourself when you’re finally responsible to someone else. anyway, now that i think about it, Supertramp and ELO were kind of Queen wannabes. they each had their own sounds, but they definitely had Queen qualities about them. i think The Darkness is definitely the closest thing to Queen i’ve ever seen other than Queen. i hope music is going back to the 80’s…

February 8, 2004

the 80’s are too underrated. Queen is TERRIBLY underrated. let’s hope that music becomes good again.

February 10, 2004

weeeellll i thought about that. but: 1. i am going to have to watch it again for a paper in a few weeks. 2. target has it for $14 3. renting it would cost about $5 each time, plus tax, thereby saving me a whopping $4 4. i may also need it for my final paper 5. my rental card expired and it costs at least $15 for a new one 6. they don’t know it was screened in class

February 10, 2004

p.s. finding out that the notes don’t look screwy on anybody else’s computer is perfectly good enough. email me your address and i’d be glad to send you some cookies the next time i bake : ) (tangerineink@aol)

That is so damn sweet!! I cried~FSR