Watch out

Ok, I’ve had two (+) glasses  of wine and every few seconds I’m zoning out into oblivion.  It shall be interesting to see how long it actually takes me to complete this entry. 



But I have an ulterior motive in writing this entry.  My husband is going out to the grocery store and I need to be awake when he gets home.



Two glasses of wine, remember, need I say more.



I know I’m a lightweight.  But I have been pregnant or nursing for so many years of my recent life that it is taking me a while to get back into the swing of sophisticated drinking. 



Definition:  Sophisticated drinking.  Drinking with dinner to savor the flavor and experience of wine on the palette without getting blasted.



Another definition.  Laptop. A devise that would suggest by it’s very name that would be functional upon a lap but instead must rest on top of a LARGE book in order not to explode when overheating. 



My book happens to be a HUGE picture book of China which is currently pushing uncomfortably into my leg.



Do you know that I just spent an obscene amount of money on food and there are STILL things that we need. Just yesterday I took my pilgrimage to

Atlanta .



First Stop:  Super H Mart (Asian, mostly Korean market) $69 dollars. 



Kimchee / fish cakes / Korean Sango pears / Gala Apples / Oranges / Tangelos / Bulgogi sauce / Thinly sliced sirloin for bulgogi / Edemame in shell / Edemame w/o shell / Portobello mushrooms / Tofu



Second Stop: Harry’s/Whole Foods $60ish



Cindy’s kitchen Balsamic vinaigrette/ Cindy’s kitchen fat free Balsamic vinaigrette/ Cave aged gruyere/ Stonyfield farms whole milk yogurt/ Fresh ground Almond butter/ Hawaiian 100% kona coffee/ San Francisco chocolate (can’t remember the name, starts with s)  I wanted San Francisco based rechietti chocolates for Valentines day but didn’t want to pay the shipping.  So I bought my kona and chocolate with the intentions to wrap it up to me from Tom and let him know that all he had to work on was the presentation as a Valentines gift.  He was miffed, saying, "honey, THAT’s the hard part.



Third Stop: Costco Just under 200



Too much to list!!!!  But I did add a new pair of

kirkland jeans for Tom and a Bocelli CD for me and two Dora books with sound for CC.  The rest was food.



So with all that you would think that we would have enough food to last for a while.  So what did I send Tom to the grocery store for?  Bananas, alum foil, cat food, and tooth paste and whole milk.  But the good part about having a stocked pantry and freezer means that we will only return to the grocery store for staples like milk, bread, oj, and well that ‘s it so it will even out the costs over the next couple of months.  That’s my story.



Usually when the cupboard is freshly stocked with an

Atlanta run we have guests for dinner.  Tonight we had Jim and Meri over.  We had been talking about getting together since they moved here 4 years ago. We always share stories of what we miss of civilization and culture.  One of her questions tonight was, "Comedy did you ever go to a Trader Joes"



Anybody care to answer that one.   I simply had to open my cupboard to show her that I still have Trader Joes IN my cupboard and that I have friends who send me necessary items.  Speaking of which I am getting low on Balsamic, luckily I am talking about heading West soon even if just for a long weekend.



Anyway back to Jim and Meri they are both bio chemical scientists who work together in a University lab on really wild (and way impressive) projects.  We both like them so much and we had a great time.  They have two boys and we have three so together we REALLY filled my little house with BOY power.  Jim says that in his family there has not been a girl born for 150 years so when they had two boys they KNEW they should NOT try for that girl.



Tom’s not back yet.



Another interesting fact!  Jim had a vasectomy for FREE when he volunteered for a University study.  I didn’t know you could do that.  He told us about all kinds of things that Universities pay for information.



I’m getting sleepy.



Maybe I should go have another 1/2 glass of wine.




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February 11, 2006

You want I should send you anything? I’ll be at TJ’s tomorrow afternoon.

February 13, 2006

Hey! How far are you from Atlanta? We’re here this week, I completely forgot you were so close by *smacks head* You need a laptop cooler pad. I bought one last month and it’s been awesome. It is powered by the USB port and keeps everything nice and cool, even on your lap 😛 $20 at Walmart 🙂