Type A

I had a physical. Pretty much a clean bill of health. Normal stuff. Breath deep and exhale. Stick out your tongue. Blow into this tube. etc. etc.

Most interesting part was during the breast exam. Don’t get excited. Just happened to be during that check for lumps part of the exam. Doc starts throwing out studies for Type A personalities. Used to be expected to have higher rates of cancer but now studies have proven that wrong. But what it does prove is that……………………….I was tuned out by that point………………Did my doc just tell me I am Type A.

Why am I surprised by that. Maybe because we had only spent 30 minutes together in our lives up until this speech…

I returned home and told Tom……."Honey, my doctor labeled me a Type A personality……………(and before I could finish my husband said,) "No shit"

Well I suppose if they Type fits then wear it.

I think I should have been paying attention when he said what the studies DID show.


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March 8, 2005

I tried to save this entry and ran into some problems….when I checked out the diary entry contents I found it saved THREE times. Type A. Type A. Type A. What just what does that prove anyway?

March 8, 2005

*laughs* Babe, Type A’s are always the last to realize they’re Type A’s. It’s us Type B’s that are so happy with typecasting people. *winks*

March 8, 2005

^^would it make you feel better to know I saved my ‘bitch train’ entry 5x? 😛

March 8, 2005

Heh, you did a very good job of hiding the Type A personality around me! 🙂

March 8, 2005

heehee Awww….the type A personality test won’t fit in a note! Dang it… *goes off to put it in an entry*

March 8, 2005

go read my last entry. i am total TYPE A

March 8, 2005

Completely off-topic: What do you get at the Marina Market Deli? I’ve got a tonne of Deli Dollars, and need to use them. It’s about time I actually used them, rather than just letting them expire… Well, I did buy a few things, but I want to know what to buy next!

March 8, 2005


March 8, 2005

Hey I had an entry that wouldn’t save and then when I checked I had like 10 enteries… arrghhh Type A huh!?! 🙂 Coolness 🙂