The Anatomy of a Twizzler

OK so I’m a sucker for the fun and excitement of Halloween goodies just as much as the kiddos.  I must be and that must explain why I allowed them to have a twizzler stick with breakfast or in CC’s case FOR breakfast.

Man was he excited too!!!  And this is the same kid that informed me yesterday (When I came in and announced that I wanted a cookie for breakfast) that cookies are candy and they are not real food and they are NOT healthy for breakfast.  At least I’ve trained him well but I may be loosing my credibility with a Twizzler breakfast.    And by the way I am having my cookie for breakfast this morning, but it is my famous Giant healthy breakfast cookie so I am following my own rules even if the kids are not.

But there is a point to all this background.

As CC was eating his Twizzler he asked, "Mom, what are these made of?"   I didn’t have time to answer before he figured it out….."Oh, Mom!!!  I know what these are made of, NOTHING!"  Then he held it up and showed me the hollow center and said, "See it’s empty in the middle and it is made of nothing"

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October 7, 2005


October 7, 2005

I was thinking of those cookies you make the other day! Give us the recipie again would you?

October 7, 2005

Oh man, that’s priceless. And yes, please post the recipe for the healthy cookies again.

October 7, 2005


October 7, 2005

post healthy cookie recipe

October 7, 2005