Sage trip

Aunty Linda tells me of the healing powers of sage.  Sage will wipe out all of the negative energy in your house.  So says she. She lost me a bit when she asked me if I had any to burn.  You burn it?  Smoke it?  What?  Do they make incense out of it?  Wouldn’t be surprised.  Aromatherapy is all the buzz these days.

So when I invited my friends to dinner  tonight I knew  I wanted to have sage.  Just to liven up the place.  All that positive energy jumping around has to be good for our souls.  Besides he is a psychotherapist and I knew he could benefit from it.  And just so happens that I had sage growing in the garden.  So what if I cant burn it.  I could strip it off the stems and puree it like fresh garlic to let the essence escape, right?

Well.  I went to the garden.  Delighted that I must have been clairvoyant in planting a huge plant of fresh sage and what did I find.  Aint no positive energy flowing around my little dead withered up sage plant.  Dead as a doornail.  Except for the 10 little almost swiveled up pieces of leaves I managed to pull free from the twigs that were once vibrant. 

Wonder what it means when your sage is dead.  If sage brings positive thought flow and great energy what does that speak of my garden?

One wonders.

And probably just means that it is like the Mojave Desert out there these days.

But it must have worked because we were giggling all evening.  Sage?  Or 3 glasses of wine?  I will never know.  I do know that we had a grand time.

And I believe it was my most favorite rendition of my most favorite meal ever.  But again, credit where credit is due.  Kemma, your campanelle pasta dish makes me look good.  Really good.   But tonight I was craving avocado amidst the pine nuts and fresh mozzarella.

Maybe I’ll throw some in the leftovers.

Look at the time.  2Am. My word, no wonder my eyes feel like this.  But my house is clean.  And that makes me happy. 


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July 25, 2005

Sage? Maybe your Aunt *thought* that she was burning sage and it was really the 6 leaf plant… and made her world REALLY happy LOL… j/k Hmmmm that pasta dish sounds yummy…