
How is it possible:

One. Two. Three. Four. Five. incidents of poop in one instant.


Three boys trying to get ready for bed.  Two boys are naked. 

Aj locks the bathroom door in an effort to control which boy gets to bathe first.

CC screams, Mom I have to poop.

We search frantically for the key to unlock said door.

I send CC off to my bathroom to take care of his needs.

AJ screams, "I have to pee" So I send him off to the front porch while I am still searching for the key. 

I return to the task at hand which is scooping doggie poop off of the back deck.   (figured I had time to tidy up while CC is in the bathroom and Aj resumes searching for the key., After all HE locked the door)

AJ comes to the door saying, Mom I have to poop. 

Well that is too bad, guess you shouldn’t have locked the bathroom door.  You can wait for CC to be done and take his place in my bathroom

Meanwhile, I am standing with the pooper scooper full of doggie poop when I look inside at a horrified AJ face that says, "Mom it just came out"  Standing in a massive amount of poop piles.

Scream into the universe.  Three times.

Send Aj on the back deck to secure the damage when I hear CC scream, "Mom will you come wipe my bottom"

NO, This time, YOU will wipe your own bottom.

Insert Dain with a diaper FULL of blue ish poop, grabbing my hand saying, "Change my diaper"

Recount:  Nevins, Elon, Aj, CC, Dain at the very split second of eachother to  create un heard of stress for mom.

Two morals.  Well three.  One.  When a child locks the bathroom door do NOT go attend to puppies, take care of the door!!!  Two.  Do not allow your children to snack on fresh  blueberries the ENTIRE day.  And Three.  When your son says, "Mom I really have to poop"  Do not, I repeat, DO NOT think that he can wait his turn.

If you are reading this and you are not a mom, my apologies for being so elaborate.



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June 20, 2006

Oh my.. that’s a lot of crap you had to put up with 😛 Hahaha!! Eeeek!!

June 21, 2006

i think this is why i don’t have kids, let alone a gaggle of them.

June 21, 2006

Oh dear. But, as the old adage says, one day you’ll look back on this and laugh. Just not today. Maybe after the new carpets are in…

June 24, 2006


I had my own Poo incident earlier…….It was an 8 wipe job. It amazes me how someone so little can make such a big doodie, go figure…………

July 12, 2006

I think you deserve a night on the town.