Pennies from heaven

At the dinner table tonight, CC asked, "Mom, when will my money be here?"

As we were eating our wine soaked stove top chicken (recipe compliments of Kemma)  we were trying to figure out just WHAT money that would be.

"Mom, can I pretend that these green beans are black eyed peas?"

OH, that money.  We figured it out.

You see it is a Southern tradition to eat collard greens and black eyed peas on New Year’s Day.  The collards represent all the cold hard cash we are to receive in 2007 and the black eyed peas represent the coins.  And it was a great way to get the boys to eat healthy foods that they would otherwise rather not.  And I mean they hurried them down, at least the peas; I still couldn’t get them to touch the collards.

And I actually had high hopes that the tradition would pay off early in the year when AJ clued in to as seen on NBC for a 10 million teaser.   On his own!  With an enthusiastic, "Mom we get the money tomorrow"  I couldn’t refuse although I’m sure now that I will be on EVERY list in the country for you-name-it-marketing.

Tomorrow has come and gone. 

We are not 10 million dollars richer.

But we are much healthier thanks to the collards and peas.


Happy New Year!



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January 5, 2007

How cute 🙂 It’s good to see you!

January 30, 2007

Happy New Year, even tho I’m a bit late reading.