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February 9, 2010

OMG! Those are so dang cute! Where’d you get that idea? Your ambition sounds like mine last Valentine’s Day. I went all out and made a basket and little “walkman” valentines for my daughter’s class. Felt like it took forever. This year I’ve been sick and have no ambition. Didn’t even realize it was so close to Valentine’s until today when Hubs took Doodle out shopping for cards. I’m glad you didn’t post this last week as I might have tried copying your idea. WTG! The kids are gonna love those!

February 9, 2010

Those are so incredibly cute!!!!! I may steal these for next year.

February 11, 2010

How cute and very, very creative! I love artsy people 🙂 and isn’t it funny how ideas sound so great until we do them sometimes..