Like Father Like Son

We were all sitting around having our Traditional Sunday breakfast of dry cereal and oatmeal.  Cc was eating Peanut Butter Kid’s Crunch (An Aldi’s special) which is of the round floating varietal.  Between every bite he was swirling it around and creating a new "picture"  He jumped up and down with excitement on one swirl and said, "Dad, look what I made"  Dad decided to play along and pretend to see something.  Dad got a strange and amazed look on his face and ACTUALLY saw what he was supposed to.  Dad chuckled and said with disbelief “Wow I see a rocking horse that actually looks like a rocking horse" and Cc said "Yeah you saw my horsy"



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February 19, 2006


February 19, 2006


February 19, 2006

Awww how funny! That’s awesome!! 🙂

February 20, 2006

LOL… that’s GREAT 🙂