Elvis and Root Beer

Another wee one born into the M……. empire last night.  I drove grandma to the hospital to meet her 9th great grandchild.  …I think it is 9 we were doing a count and I’m thinking we left someone out.   But a few more are on the way.  In fact we are waiting for another any day and then another in two months bringing the total to 11 great grandchildren gathered for Christmas.  Because Christmas is about the only time we can ensure that the whole family will be together.  Imagine the picture……If there are 11 great grands then …………..let me do the counting…………….There are 6 children and 5 spouses……………..which produced 14 grands………….which then popped out the 11 great grands.  Christmas is quite the event.  Last year we had to have a microphone and karaoke system to communicate.  And yes I was the MC.  And I say that I selflessly drove grandmother to the hospital in a great gesture but don’t be fooled; I had the motive of holding the wee babe in my arms.  I love to be part of the joy that a new family feels especially with a first child.  And looking in the eyes of a newborn brings back so many warm and precious memories of my three births. 

That was the highlight of a very busy day. Prior to and after the hospital visit we re arranged our bedroom.  I love to re arrange and now I feel like I have a brand new room.  We drained the waterbed (and THAT is a big task), emptied a mammoth armoire and moved it across the room.  This is the armoire that will have to be sold with the house.  Trying to get that thing in my bedroom was near impossible so getting it out is not an option.  We had to remove the hardwood molding across the top and remove the legs before it would barely squeeze in the door.  Always Always Always look once and measure 10 times But today we just had to get it across the floor, no doorways involved.  Then we removed all the art from the walls and re arranged all the furniture, 4 times to get just the right flow.  Feng Shui baby!!!!. Then we re configured the armoire to hold the TV and reloaded the clothing and we have still to hang the art…………another day……………  And now finally Tom is in filling the waterbed.  And I should have taken photos.  I can get an after shot as soon as I deliberate artwork placement.

I introduced the boys to root beer floats this week end.  CC and Dain were very impressed but AJ was looking for the clump of ice cream and the harder he tried to part the root beer to find the clump the faster the clump of ice cream faded.  So I was surprised today when AJ asked for another root beer float.  When I told him I was surprised and that I didn’t think he was that impressed he said,”I did like it but today I want a root beer float WITHOUT the root beer ok mom?"  And I think CC has a new favorite soda indulgence.  He was asking for his
“rootie root roooot beer" all day I am also extremely hooked on my rootie root roooot beer floats which consists of IBC diet root beer from the bottle mixed with Haagen-Dazs 1/2 the fat dulce de leche.  WOW.  And only half the sin.

One story came up at the hospital.  I was sharing with the new parents that I could distinctly see both of them in their newborn.  And I can always see the mom and dad clearly………..well…………almost always……..and If I can’t see it well then someone must’ve been doing something naughty.  I’m that sure of my abilities.  So when I had my children it was the strangest thing that I couldn’t see either me or Tom…..in any of them.   And people would say that THEY could see it and I got so sick of hearing….."Oh he is just Tom made over" I think I heard it so often that I began to believe it but I still couldn’t see me.  In fact I often said, "I could deny that I ever had anything to do with it were it not for the scar. "


Tom was watching an old Elvis movie the other night and said, "Look at this!!!  CC looks just like Elvis did in this movie.  Wow he really looks like Elvis.’  So I was telling the story tonight as my mom listened and it made her very proud..  I have always said that my mom looked like Elvis.  I will have to find those photos and post them.  It was in her high school-flawless skin-pouty lip-sultry smile days and I tell you she looked like Elvis.  I have also always said that I can see my mom in CC’s expressions, his face, and his lips.  And I often think of that same photo w hen I compare the two of them.   SO.  If mom looked like Elvis.  And CC looks like Elvis.  Then there must be the resemblance.  To me somewhere. right.  Either that or I slept with the offspring of Elvis to conceive CC and then my grandmother slept with Elvis himself. 

But that is just a WIERD statement!!  But what do you expect at 12am.  Or it could also mean that resemblance in my boys skipped a generation.  Humm.


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July 31, 2005

LOL! Ya know Elvis did get around! 🙂 Rootbeer float… have I told you about the one I had at BUNKO? Let’s just say, it’s not the kind your momma made you!

July 31, 2005


August 1, 2005

I can’t see me or hubby in the kids At All. Well, sometimes, in photographs, I can see a bit of “this looks like a photo of me when I was 9” thing. But I can ALWAYS see my friends in their kids. Wierdness. Maybe it’s how you can never tell the sound of your own voice, or something like that.