Did I say that so soon?

Things one just does not expect to hear come out of one’s mouth so soon after getting puppies.

Mind you it has only been 1 day and 4 hours since we added Nevins and Elon to our lives. (By the way it may be spelled Elan but those of you who know my child naming rituals will understand)

1.  CC, get out of the dog house, there just isn’t enough room in there for you AND two dogs.

2.  No the dogs can NOT eat chocolate covered raisins.

3.  No the dogs Will not eat fig newtons.

3.  No honey, the dogs should have whole milk not skim.  (WHAT!!! ? They WERE still trying to nurse when we met them even though mom dried up weeks ago)  (But we only did this once) 

4.  Um, mu wittle snuguhly wughly preccccioussss wittle puppie wupppy.  

5.  Oh, come on Tom, let him hold the dog, soon it will be bigger than he is and he will not be able to.  It’s actually kind of cute when his little body dangles like that.

6.  YIKES, AJ,  slow down, I’m not sure the puppy likes to be pulled in a wagon, much less at THOSE speeds.

7. Oh Honey, PLEASE don’t feed the dogs my tampons.

8. Guys,  Who gave the dogs their bowl of peanut butter crunch cereal?

9.  Dain, that food is for the puppies, NOT for you.

10.  No, no the puppy does not like to picked up by his tail.

11.  Who peed on the dog?


Oh are we in for an eventful summer.  And my number one goal is to have a designated poop spot.  Dog owners of the world is this a reasonable request of 8 week old puppies?


By the way, if you need to meet Nevins and Elon/Elan just head one entry back.

 And to ease your minds, it was not actually pee it turned out to be the water from the Cat’s bowl because AJ thought the dog needed a bath.

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May 18, 2006

I was working them on just having them housebroken at 8 weeks! But hey, if it’s gonna work, the earlier the training, the better. Numbers 7 and 11 were hilarious, although unfortunate. [found you on the front page]

May 18, 2006
May 18, 2006

LOL@ 7 and 11 😛

May 18, 2006

OK, I nearly had composure, but lost it entirely at #11. But inquiring minds want to know… Who DID pee on the dog?

May 18, 2006

Oh, ahem. I guess I missed that last line.

May 19, 2006

hehe….taht’s hysterical! So,who did pee on the dog?? LOL

May 19, 2006

The scary thought here is that a dog would actually EAT a tampon. Great entry!

May 19, 2006

LOL! Are you sure you haven’t been living here?!?! 😛 Aaron used to carry ChinMew around ALL the time when he was CC’s age. Chin’s legs & body would dangle more & more each week as he grew. Now Chin ONLY loves Aaron, it’s the best thing ever 🙂

May 20, 2006


May 20, 2006

“who peed on the dog?” that’s just hilarious. good luck with the pups. 🙂